If love is a game, it has to be the hardest game in the world. After all, how can anyone win a game where there are no rules?


Tác giả: Rachel Gibson
Thể loại: Tiểu Thuyết
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Language: English
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Cập nhật: 2015-08-18 07:20:32 +0700
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Chapter 5
addie reached for a bottle of Diet Coke sitting on her desk and unscrewed the cap. She took a long drink, then returned the cap. The instant she’d opened her eyes that morning, she’d known where the book had to open. In the past, she’d always opened each book with chilling facts.
This time she sat down and wrote:
“I promise it’s going to be different this time, Baby.” Alice Jones glanced at her young daughter, then returned her gaze to the road. “You’re going to love Truly. It’s a little like heaven, and it’s about damn time Jesus drop-kicked us into a better life.”
Baby didn’t say anything. She’d heard it before. The excitement in her mother’s voice and the promises of a better life. The only thing that ever changed was their address.
Like always, Baby wanted to believe her mother. Really she did, but she’d just turned five. Old enough to realize that nothing ever got better. Nothing ever changed.
“We’re going to live in a nice trailer house.”
She unfolded her arms from across her chest as she looked out the windshield at the pine trees whizzing by. A trailer house? She’d never lived in a house.
“And a swing set in the front yard.”
A swing set? She’d never had a swing set. She turned her gaze to her mother and the sunlight shining in her blond hair. Her mother looked like an angel on a Christmas card. Like she should be standing on top of a Christmas tree, and Baby let herself believe. She let herself believe in the dream of finding heaven. She let herself believe in a better life, and for five months it had been better—right up until the night an enraged wife pumped a set of.38 hollow points into Alice Jones’s young body and turned the dream into a nightmare.
Maddie pushed her chair back from her desk and stood. The sleeves of her cotton pajamas slid to her elbows as she raised her arms over her head and stretched. It was a little after noon and she hadn’t showered. Her good friend Clare showered and put on makeup every day before she sat down to write. Not Maddie. Of course, that meant that occasionally she got caught by FedEx looking like complete crap. Something she really didn’t worry about.
She jumped in the shower and thought about the rest of her day. She had a list of names and addresses with respective relationships to the case. First on the list was a visit to Value Rite Drug, where Carleen Dawson worked. Carleen had been a waitress at Hennessy’s at the same time as Maddie’s mother. She wanted to set up a time to interview the woman and asking in person had advantages over asking on the telephone.
After her shower, she rubbed almond-scented lotion into her skin and put on a black dress that wrapped around and tied at the side of her waist. She pulled her hair back from her face, applied a little mascara and a deep red lipstick. She wore red sandals and slid a notebook into her slim leather briefcase. Not that she planned to use anything in the briefcase, but it gave the right impression.
Value Rite Drug was located a few blocks off Main Street next to Helen’s Hair Hut. Potted geraniums and yellow awnings gave the outside of the store splashes of color. The inside was stuffed with everything from Band-Aids and aspirin to wooden statues of elk, moose, and bear carved by locals. She asked at the front register where she might find Carleen and was pointed to the snack food aisle.
“Are you Carleen Dawson?” she asked a short woman wearing a white blouse and blue and red apron, and who was bent over a cart of marshmallows and Pop Smart.
She straightened and looked at Maddie through a pair of bifocal lenses. “Yes.”
“Hello, my name is Madeline Dupree and I am a writer.” She handed Carleen a business card. “I am hoping that you’ll give me a few moments of your time.”
“I’m not on break.”
“I know.” Carleen’s hair was processed within an inch of its life, and Maddie wondered briefly what was up with some of the locals and bad hair. “I thought we could set up a time when you’re off work.”
Carleen looked down at the black and silver card, then back up. “True crime? You write true crime? Like Ann Rule?”
That hack. “Yes. Exactly.”
“I don’t know how I can help you. We don’t have serial killers in Truly. There was one in Boise a few years ago, a female one, of all things. If you can believe that.”
Actually Maddie could believe it, since her friend Lucy had been a suspect, and since Maddie planned to write about the murderous rampage in the future.
“Nothing ever happens around here,” Carleen added and stuffed a bag of marshmallows on the shelf.
“I’m not writing about a serial killer.”
“What, then?”
Maddie’s grasp on her briefcase tightened and she placed her other hand in the pocket of her dress. “Twenty-nine years ago you worked in Hennessy’s Bar when Rose Hennessy shot and killed her husband, a cocktail waitress named Alice Jones, then turned the handgun on herself.”
Carleen stilled. “I wasn’t there.”
“I know. You’d already gone home for the night.”
“That was a long time ago. Why do you want to write about that?”
Because it’s my life. “Because not all interesting true crime stories are about serial killers. Sometimes the best stories are about real people. Normal people who snap and commit horrible crimes.”
“I guess.”
“Did you know Alice Jones?”
“Yeah, I knew her. I knew Rose too, but I don’t think I should talk about that. It was a real sad situation and people have moved on.” She shoved the business card back at Maddie. “Sorry, I can’t help you.”
Maddie knew when to press and when to take a step back. For now. “Well, think about it.” She smiled and kept one hand in her pocket and the other wrapped around the handle of her briefcase. “And if you change your mind, give me a call.”
Carleen slid the card into the front pocket of her blue apron. “I won’t change my mind. Some things are better left buried in the past.”
Perhaps, but what Carleen didn’t know but would find out was that Maddie rarely took no for an answer.
“N o. I can’t help you.”
Maddie stood on the pockmarked porch of Jewel Finley, a second cocktail waitress who had worked at Hennessy’s at the time of Alice’s death. “It’ll just take a few moments.”
“I’m busy.” Jewel’s hair was in pink rollers and Maddie thought she detected the aroma of Dippity-do. Lord, did they still sell Dippity-do? “Rose was my good friend and I’m not goin’ to talk against her,” Jewel said. “What happened to her was a tragedy. I’m not goin’ to exploit her misfortune.”
Her misfortune? “My purpose is not to exploit anyone, but to tell everyone’s side of the story.”
“Your purpose is to make money.”
“Believe me, there are easier ways to make money.” Maddie felt her temper rise, but she wisely held back. “Is there a better time for me to come back?”
“Perhaps when you’re not quite so busy.”
“I’m not goin’ to talk to you about Rose, and I doubt anyone else will talk to you neither.” She stepped back into her house. “Good-bye,” she said and shut the door.
Maddie stuck a business card in the porch screen and walked toward her Mercedes parked at the curb. Not only did Maddie not take no for an answer, she was like the damn Terminator and she’d be back.
“Do you know when he’ll be back?”
“That depends on if the fish are biting. Tomorrow, if it’s bad. Who knows, if it’s good.” Levana Potter looked at Maddie’s business card and turned it over. “But I can tell you that he remembers everything about that night.” The wife of the retired sheriff looked up. “It still haunts him.” She’d found Levana digging in the flower bed in the front of her ranch-style home, and the good news was that the sheriff would more than likely be willing to talk to Maddie. The bad news was her interview would have to wait on the capricious lake trout. “Did you know the parties involved?”
“Sure.” Levana stuck the business card in the pocket of her shirt, then shoved her hand back inside her gardening glove. “The Hennessys have lived in this valley for generations. I didn’t know Alice much. Just chatted the few times she came into the little ice-cream and gift store I used to own off Third. Pretty thing and seemed kind of sweet. Looked like an angel. She had a little girl, I know that. After Alice died, her aunt came and took her. I don’t know whatever happened to her.”
Maddie smiled a little. “Do you remember her name?”
Levana shook her head and her white permed hair wafted a bit in the breeze. “Heavens, no. That was twenty-nine years ago and I only saw her a few times. Heck, I have a hard time remembering my own name sometimes.”
“Alice lived at the Roundup Trailer Court.”
“Heck, that was torn down years ago.”
“Yes, I know. But I can’t find any records of people who might have lived there at the same time as Alice and her daughter.” In her diaries, Alice had mentioned a few women by their first names. “Do you recall a woman named Trina who may have lived next door to Alice?”
“Hmm.” Levana shook her head. “That doesn’t ring any bells. Bill will know,” she said referring to her husband. “He remembers everyone who ever lived in this town. I’ll give him your card when he gets back from his fishing trip.”
“Thank you. I’m not going to be here in town tomorrow, but I’ll be back the day after.”
“I’ll tell him, but it might be next week.”
Fabulous. “Thank you for your time.”
On the way home from the Potters’, Maddie stopped off at the grocery store and bought a roasted deli chicken and some Excedrin. Carleen had been guarded and uncooperative and Jewel had been openly hostile. Her head pounded, she was frustrated by her lack of progress, and she had an urge to put someone in a headlock.
With a blue basket hanging off one arm, she took her place in line at checkout number three. The next time she spoke to Carleen and Jewel, she’d try a less businesslike tactic. She’d try the nice-as-pie, friendly approach. If that didn’t work, she’d go all Jerry Springer on their hillbilly asses.
“I saw you at Value Rite earlier,” a woman in the next line over said.
Maddie looked up from putting her basket on the conveyor belt. “Are you talking to me?”
“Yeah.” The other woman had short dark hair and wore a T-shirt with a picture of her grandkids on the front. “Carleen said you were askin’ about Rose and Loch Hennessy.”
Wow, word really did travel fast in small towns. “That’s right.”
“I grew up with Rose and she had a few problems, but she was a good person.”
A few problems. Is that what they all called pumping lead into two people? Maddie would call it a psychotic breakdown. “I’m sure she was.”
“That little waitress got what she deserved for messing with a married man.”
Tired, frustrated, and now pissed off, Maddie said, “So you think that every woman who gets involved with a married man deserves to die on a barroom floor?”
The woman tossed a bag of potatoes on the conveyor belt in front of her. “Well, I just mean that if you mess around with another woman’s man, you might get hurt. That’s all.”
No, that wasn’t all, but Maddie wisely held her tongue.
Maddie tossed her briefcase on the sofa and glanced at the photo of her mother sitting on the coffee table. “Well, that was a waste of makeup.” She kicked off her shoes and put the photograph face down. She couldn’t look at her mother’s cheery smile when her day had been a bust.
Barefoot, she walked into the kitchen and reached into the refrigerator for the bottle of merlot she’d opened the day before. She thought better of it and grabbed the Skyy vodka, diet tonic, and a lime. Sometimes a girl needed a drink, even if she was alone. While she poured vodka into a highball glass and added the tonic, the George Thorogood song “I Drink Alone” ran through her head. She’d never liked that song. Perhaps it was the writer in her, but the chorus was redundant. Of course when you drink alone you drink with nobody else.
Just as she slid ice and a slice of lime into the glass, the doorbell rang. She grabbed her drink and raised it to her lips as she moved through the living room. She certainly wasn’t expecting anyone, and the person on the other side of the door was the last person she expected.
She looked through her peephole at Mick Hennessy, and she unlocked the deadbolt and opened the door. The late afternoon sun cut across Mick’s cheek and one corner of his mouth. He wore a wife beater beneath a blue plaid shirt that he’d hacked the sleeves off just above the bulge of his biceps. The pale blue in the plaids matched his eyes and set off his tan skin and black hair like he belonged on the cover of a magazine, selling sex and breaking hearts.
“Hello, Maddie,” he said, his voice a low rumble. He held a business card between the fingers of one raised hand.
Shit! The last thing she needed today was a confrontation with Mick. She took another fortifying drink and waited for him to start yelling. Instead he flashed her a killer grin.
“I told you I’d give you the name of a good exterminator.” He held the business card toward her. It was white, not black, and had a rat on it.
She hadn’t realized she’d felt a little anxious until relief curved the corners of her lips into a smile. She took the card from him. “You didn’t have to come all the way out here to give this to me.”
“I know.” He handed her an orange and yellow box. “I thought you could use this until Ernie’s Pest Control can get out here. It’s easier than hunting for a smelly carcass.”
“Thanks. No man has ever given me…” she paused and looked at the box. “A Mouse Motel 500.”
He chuckled. “They had a Mouse Motel 200, but I thought you deserved the best.”
She opened the door wide. “Would you like to come in?” She should tell him why she was in Truly, but not right now. She just wasn’t in the mood for another confrontation.
“I can’t stay long.” He stepped past her, bringing with him the scent of the outdoors and woodsy soap. “My sister is expecting me for dinner.”
“I always wanted a sister.” Somewhere to go for holidays besides a friend’s house.
“If you knew Meg, you might consider yourself lucky.”
She shut the door and moved into the living room beside him. She had to admit, it was strange having him in her house. Not just because he was Mick Hennessy, but because it had been a long time since she’d let a man in her home. The energy seemed to change, the air to sexually charge. “Why?”
“Meg can be…” He smiled and glanced about the room. “A horrible cook,” he said, but Maddie got the feeling that wasn’t what he’d been about to say. “The kind of cook who thinks she’s a lot better than she actually is, which means she’ll never get better. If she’s thrown peas in a casserole and calls it dinner, I’m out of there.” His gaze returned to hers and he pointed to her drink. “Hard day?”
“More mice feasting on your granola bars?”
She shook her head. He’d remembered that?
“What happened?”
She was fairly certain he’d hear about it soon enough. “Nothing important. Do you have time for a drink?”
“Do you have a beer?”
“Just ultra.”
He made a face. “Don’t tell me you count carbs.”
“Oh, yeah.” She moved into the kitchen and he followed close behind. “If I don’t, I get a huge behind.” She looked over her shoulder and watched his gaze slide down her back to her butt.
“You look pretty good to me.”
“Exactly.” As if he had all day, his gaze slid back up to her face. “I have vodka, gin, and Crown Royal.”
His lids lowered a fraction over his eyes, making his dark lashes look very long. “Crown.”
She opened a cupboard and raised onto the balls of her feet. Maddie recognized the look in his eyes. She hadn’t had sex in four years, but she remembered that look.
“I’ll get that,” he said as he moved close behind her and reached to the top shelf.
She dropped to her heels and turned. He was so close that if she leaned forward just a little, she could bury her nose in his neck. The sides of his open shirt brushed her breasts and she held her breath.
He looked into her eyes as he handed her the old-fashioned glass. “Here you go.” He took a step back.
“Thank, you.” She moved around him and opened the freezer. The cold air felt good against her heated cheeks. This absolutely could not be happening. Not with him, and if he’d been any other man, she could not be held responsible for how badly she might use and abuse his body.
“Are you from Idaho?” he asked as he leaned a hip into the counter and folded his arms across his chest. “Or are you a transplant?”
“I was born and raised in Boise.” Except for the five months she’d lived in Truly and the six years she’d lived in Southern California attending UCLA. She tossed a few ice cubes into the glass.
“Your folks live in Boise?”
“I never knew my father.” She shut the freezer and set the glass on the counter. “I was raised by my aunt and she passed away a few months ago.”
“Where’s your mother?”
The same place as his. Buried about five miles away. “She died when I was young.” Maddie bent at the waist and pulled the bottle of whiskey from her booze cabinet.
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“I hardly remember her.” She waited for him to say something about losing his parents when he’d been a boy. He didn’t and she straightened and handed him the Crown Royal. “Sorry. It isn’t as good as Bushmills 21.”
He took the bottle from her and unscrewed the cap. “Company is better, though.” He poured three fingers of whiskey over the ice.
“You don’t know me.”
He put the bottle on the counter and raised the glass to his lips. “That’s one of the things I like about you.” He took a drink, then added, “I didn’t sit next to you in second grade. Your sister isn’t friends with my sister and your mama wasn’t best friends with my mama.”
No, but she’d been pretty good friends with your daddy. “Tanya wasn’t raised around here.”
“True, but she’s too uptight. She can’t just relax and have a good time.” He lowered his glass and looked out into the living room. “This is one of the older houses on the lake.”
“The realtor said it was built in the forties.”
He leaned forward a little and looked down the hall toward the bathroom and bedrooms. “It looks different from the last time I was here.”
“I was told that the kitchen and the bathrooms were remodeled last year.” Maddie took a drink. “When were you here last?”
“Oh, I don’t know.” He straightened and looked down into her face. “I was probably about fifteen. So about twenty years ago.”
“Did you have a friend who lived here?”
“You could say that. Although I don’t know if I’d call Brandy Green a friend.” A smile tugged at one corner of his mouth as he added, “Her parents were at the Pendleton Rodeo in Oregon.”
“And you had your own private rodeo?”
The little smile turned into a wicked grin. “You could say that.”
She frowned. “Which room was Brandy’s?” He’d probably carved his initials into the ceiling beam.
“Can’t say.” He rattled the ice in his glass, then raised the glass to his lips. “Spent most of our time in her parents’ room. Their bed was bigger.”
“Oh, my God! You’ve had sex in my bedroom.” She put her hand on her chest. “I haven’t even had sex in that bedroom.” The second she blurted that out, she wished the floor would open up and she would fall through. She didn’t embarrass herself often, but she hated when it happened. Especially when he tipped his head back and laughed. “It’s not funny.”
“Yes, it is.” After a few more moments of hilarity on his part, he said, “Honey, we could take care of that right now.”
If his offer had felt the least bit threatening or smarmy, she would have kicked him out of her house. Instead it was simple and straightforward and made her smile even when she didn’t want to. “No, thanks.”
“You sure?” He took another drink, then set his glass on the counter.
“I’m sure.”
“I’m a lot better at it than the last time I was here.” The smile he gave her was filled with an irresistible mix of charm, confidence, and pure sin. “I’ve had lots of practice since then.”
She hadn’t had any practice lately. A fact brought home to her by the tightening in her breasts and the warm tug in her stomach. Mick was the last man on earth for whom she should fall off the sexual wagon. Her head knew that, but her body didn’t seem to care.
He reached for her hand and brushed his thumb across the backs of her knuckles. “Do you know what I like best about you?”
“My Crown?”
He shook his head.
“That I don’t want a white wedding, picket fence, and a baby maker?”
“Besides that.” He pulled her toward him. “You smell good.”
She set her glass on the counter and thought back to the lotion she’d put on earlier.
He lifted her hand and smelled the inside of her wrist. “Like cherries, maybe.”
“Yesterday it was chocolate. Today it’s almonds. It makes me wonder what you’ll smell like tomorrow.” He put her hand on his shoulder.
“Peaches.” Probably.
He pushed one side of her hair back and lowered his face to the side of her neck. “I like peaches about as much as I like chocolate and almonds. You make me hungry.”
She knew the feeling. “Maybe you should hurry over to your sister’s for some pea casserole.” She felt his soft laughter against her skin a moment before he placed hot openmouthed kisses on the side of her throat. A shiver ran down her spine and her head fell to one side. She’d have to stop him, but not now. In a minute.
“Maybe I should just eat you.”
Her eyes closed and she knew she was in trouble. This couldn’t be happening. Mick Hennessy could not be in her house, telling her he wanted to eat her and making her have bad thoughts about where he should start. Making her want to run her hand up his chest and her fingers through his hair.
“Do you know what I’d do to you if I had more time?” His hands grasped her waist and he drew her against him. She felt the swell beneath his button fly, and she had a pretty good idea.
She swallowed hard as he lightly bit her earlobe. “Try to get another look at the master bedroom?”
He raised his head and his sexy blue eyes had gone all sleepy with desire. “Who needs a bedroom?”
That was true. Her hand slid across his shoulder and up the side of his neck. Perhaps it had been a mistake to go without sex for so long. The press of his body felt so incredible she didn’t want him to stop. But he had to, of course. In a minute.
“You’re a beautiful woman, Maddie.” He brushed his lips lightly across hers. “If I had more time, I’d untie your dress for you.”
“I can untie my own dress.”
One side of his mouth lifted at the corner. “It’s more fun if I do it.” Then he kissed her, a soft and tantalizing press of his mouth. He teased her, drawing out the kiss until her fingers combed through his short hair to the back of his head and her lips parted. His tongue entered her mouth, wet and so good; he tasted like whiskey and lust. Liquid heat pooled between her thighs, and she slid her free hand up his flat stomach, feeling the hard contours of his chest. It had been so long. So long since she’d touched a man like this. Kissed him. Wanted to glue herself to him. Since her skin felt itchy and tight and made her want to tear at his clothes and feel the press of naked skin. It had been a long time. Partly because she’d given up on this, and partly because no man had tempted her like Mick.
His hands slipped up the sides of her waist. His grasp tightened and his thumbs pressed into her stomach just below her breasts. He tilted his head to one side and lightly sucked her tongue into his mouth, where he was warm and slick. Her fingers curled in his hair and she pressed herself against his hard body. Her nipples tightened against his hard chest and he groaned deep in his throat. This was quickly spinning out of control. A whirling cyclone of need and greed and long-denied pleasure, building deep inside and working its way out. Growing and threatening to overpower her.
She pulled back. “Stop.”
He looked as dazed as she felt. “Why?”
“Because…” She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Because you don’t know who I am and when you find out you’ll hate me. “Because you have to go have dinner with your sister.”
He opened his mouth to argue, but then his brows lowered as if he’d forgotten. “Damn.” His grasp on her tightened a fraction before he took a step back and dropped his hands to his sides. “I didn’t mean to start something I can’t finish.”
“I didn’t mean to start anything at all.” Maddie licked her lips and debated whether to come clean. Right there. Right now. Before he heard it from someone in town. “This is definitely not a good idea.”
“You’re wrong about that.” He reached for her hand and pulled her along with him toward the front door. “The only thing wrong is my timing.”
“But you don’t know me,” she protested as she moved beside him to the entry.
“What’s the rush?” He opened the door, but stopped in the threshold. He looked down into her face and let out a heavy breath. “Okay, what do I need to know?”
And she chickened out. Or rather, decided that telling him while her body still craved his wasn’t the best timing. Instead she chose another approach. “I’m kind of sexually abstinent.”
“Kind of?” He looked down into her face. “How can you be ‘kind of sexually abstinent’?”
Yeah. How? “I just haven’t had sex with a man in a very long time.”
His brows drew together. “Are you a lesbian?”
“I didn’t think so. You don’t kiss like a lesbian.”
“How do you know?”
One second she was looking up into his blue eyes, and in the next she was up against his body. His mouth closed over hers and he fed her kisses so hot she felt it in the pit of her stomach. He pulled the oxygen from her lungs and made her dizzy. Lord, she couldn’t breathe or think. She was going to pass out from pleasure.
He let go of her and she fell back against the doorframe. “That’s how I know,” he said.
“My God, you’re like a tornado,” she gasped. She placed her fingers on her bottom lip. Her mouth felt numb. “Sucking up everything around you.”
“Not everything.” He stepped out onto the porch and into the sunlight. “And not yet.”
Tangled Up In You Tangled Up In You - Rachel Gibson Tangled Up In You