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Benjamin Mays

Tác giả: James Patterson
Thể loại: Trinh Thám
Biên tập: Yen
Language: English
Số chương: 90
Phí download: 9 gạo
Nhóm đọc/download: 0 / 1
Số lần đọc/download: 1190 / 10
Cập nhật: 2015-02-03 07:02:03 +0700
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Chapter 58
HIS IS THE COOLEST HOTEL EVER!” squealed Nudge, flopping facedown onto a king-size bed.
Angel was trying to get the snarls out of her blond curls, still wet from her shower. Through the doorway to the room next door, she heard Gazzy ordering room service — again. The kitchen had probably had to send someone out to get more groceries.
Nudge rolled off the bed and looked at herself in the mirror. “I’m twelve now. I don’t look different, but I feel different.” She stretched her wings out slowly, their feathers shades of tan, caramel, and coffee.
“You do look different,” said Angel. “We’re all taller. You don’t look like a little kid anymore — more teenagery. Iggy and … the others have really started looking older.”
“Can I come in?” Dylan leaned in the doorway connecting their two rooms.
“Sure,” said Nudge. “Have you recovered? That was a long flight.”
“I can’t believe I didn’t drop like a rock over the Grand Canyon,” Dylan said, leaning against the dresser. “I bet I won’t be able to move my wings tomorrow.”
“You did great,” said Angel. “Aren’t you glad you came with us?”
Dylan shrugged and brushed some hair out of his face. He already looked like a Hollywood star — some teenage girls had whispered and pointed at him when the flock had been checking in.
Dylan was doing pretty well at fitting in with the rest of the flock. He wasn’t demanding, and he was a good listener and a good fighter. Angel loved Fang a lot, but Dylan was … easier. Warmer. He talked more. It was almost as if he were made to be with them.
A knock on the door made Nudge pull her wings in fast.
Angel hurried over and peeped through the eyehole.
“Bad guys or good guys?” Nudge asked.
Angel smirked. “Bad guys,” she said, and pulled open the door.
Four men came in, looking around with avid curiosity. They were all very tan, dressed casually but in nice clothes and jackets. One of them was chewing gum.
“Who are you?” Dylan asked.
“Joe Harkins,” one of them said, holding out a tanned hand. “Pleased to meetcha. From Talent unlimited. Here’s my card.” He pressed a business card into Dylan’s hand.
Another knock on the door almost went unheard as the men started shaking each bird kid’s hand, introducing themselves eagerly. Gazzy opened the door and let in Jeb, Total, and Akila.
“Whoa, you brought your dogs!” one man exclaimed, and Angel hoped Total wouldn’t bite him on the ankle.
“Hello, son,” one of the men said to Dylan, looking him up and down. “Now, that’s what I call star quality! All of you, of course! Talent unlimited couldn’t be happier to offer representation!”
“Talent unlimited?” Jeb asked.
“Yep! And your kids here are pure gold,” said Joe Harkins. He literally rubbed his hands together. “Now, let’s talk numbers. Kids, why don’t you guys go play in the pool downstairs while Dad and I talk business?”
Angel heard Total choking back laughter. It was time to show these guys who was the leader.
“He’s not our dad,” she said, her face serious. “He won’t be making decisions for us.” Keeping her eyes on the agents, she unfolded her wings.
The men stared. Angel could almost see dollar signs in their eyes, like in cartoons.
“I’ll be negotiating our contract,” Angel said solemnly. “Why don’t we sit down over here?”
The room fell silent as the men waited for someone to say she was kidding. When no one did, Angel motioned again to the table and chairs set up in the suite’s dining area. The men hesitated.
“I hear the usual agent share is fifteen percent,” Angel said, concentrating, focusing. “We need ninety-five percent.” Chuckling at Angel’s joke, they relaxed and trickled over to the table to sit down.
Of course, Angel wasn’t joking. An hour later, they got up, looking pale, shaken, and incredulous. They stared at the copies of the contract on the table like they couldn’t believe they had actually signed them.
“ ’Kthnxbye!” Angel said brightly, opening the door for them. The men wandered out as if they had just barely survived a crash.
“What did you do to them?” Jeb asked.
“Persuaded them.” Angel’s too innocent face wouldn’t have fooled a kindergartner. “Isn’t that what a good leader would do?”
“Angel, we’ve talked about —,” Jeb began.
“Come on, everyone!” Angel cried. “Press conference by the pool!”
Maximum Ride 6 - Fang Maximum Ride 6 - Fang - James Patterson Maximum Ride 6 - Fang