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Cập nhật: 2015-08-12 05:01:17 +0700
Chapter 37
ATE PUT TWO mugs of steaming hot chocolate on a tray beside a huge bowl of liberally buttered popcorn—the traditional fare for the winter movie nights she and Holly enjoyed a couple of times each month.
Carrying the tray, Kate sidled around Max, who was lying on the living room floor in front of the coffee table. Holly looked up from the cabinet next to the television, where she was flipping through the selection of chick flicks that were the staple of their movie nights. Holding up her favorite movie, she said brightly, “How about An Affair to Remember?”
“No thanks. I just had one of those, and I’m trying to forget.”
Holly grinned at the quip and turned back to the movies in the cabinet. “I still can’t believe what a total bastard Wyatt was at that benefit.”
Kate couldn’t believe it either. That night it had been obvious that Mitchell thoroughly despised her, which could only mean he’d despised her all along, even when he was making love to her in St. Maarten.
“He’s sick,” Holly said, putting Kate’s thoughts into words.
“Either that,” Kate replied, trying to make light of it, “or he’s a little testy about being treated with amusement.” Changing the subject to the movie for the evening, she said, “How about The Wedding Date?”
“Not unless you promise not to keep rewinding it when we get to that dancing scene where Michael Bublé sings ‘Sway.’ ”
“Okay, that’s a deal.”
Holly started the movie and joined Kate on the sofa. They sat in silence for a minute, afghans over their legs, their feet clad in thick socks and propped side by side on the coffee table. “I’m going to miss our movie nights,” Holly said, helping herself to a handful of popcorn from the bowl between them.
“What do you mean?” Kate replied, reaching for the mug of hot chocolate on the lamp table beside her.
“I mean that I can’t picture myself sitting between you and Evan on movie night, holding the popcorn. Have you set a date yet?”
Kate shook her head. “We’re not even sleeping together yet.”
“Why not? You’ve been back for three weeks.”
“We both agreed it was going to take us some time to get over what I did in St. Maarten and make a fresh start.”
Holly looked at her in disbelief. “Are you telling me he hasn’t wanted to mark his territory since then?”
“You’re making me sound like a fire hydrant,” Kate said, rolling her eyes. She took a sip of hot chocolate, swallowed, and put the mug down.
“Are you sure he isn’t punishing you a little by staying away from you?”
“No, he isn’t. In fact, last night he took me out to dinner, and he told me he wanted to come back here afterward and spend the night with me. But—”
“But partway through dinner, I started feeling really nauseated. In fact, I’m feeling sort of queasy now. I’ve been feeling that way for days, and I’m exhausted all the time. All I want to do is sleep.”
“Stress can really weaken your immune system and screw up your body. By the way, how are things going at the restaurant?”
“The staff is patronizing me, which is not surprising, as the only one younger than me is a busboy. Other than that, it’s too soon to tell. Let’s watch our movie.”