Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

Lao Tzu

Tác giả: Kathy Reichs
Thể loại: Trinh Thám
Biên tập: Bach Ly Bang
Upload bìa: Bach Ly Bang
Language: English
Số chương: 39
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Cập nhật: 2015-09-01 13:22:48 +0700
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Chapter 32
“Yes. I was.”
“Yet you betrayed her by sleeping with her boyfriend.” I struggled to sound nonjudgmental.
“Awesome, huh?” “More than once?”
She nodded.
Thunder rumbled, long and low.
“Lord almighty, I hope this weather won’t cause a delay.”
“How did that play?” I asked.
“It wasn’t grand romance, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“What was it?”
She sighed. “The usual. I was sixteen. Cale was older, seemed worldly and sophisticated. We were both horny as hounds in heat.”
“Did Cindi know?”
“I don’t think so. She was a trusting person. Very sweet.”
“But not putting out.” Despite my resolve, disgust filtered through.
“You’re right. I was a world-class bitch.”
Rain was drumming the plastic canopy now. Padgett poked her head out, looked up at the sky, then at her watch.
“Bogan learned that you and Cale were cheating on Cindi,” I guessed.
“Does that really matter?”
Probably not.
“He resented you because he cared for her.”
Padgett looked at me as if I’d said warthogs could fly. “How much effort have y’all put into this investigation?”
“I’m new to the case.”
Padgett assessed me for a long moment. “Craig Bogan hated Cindi Gamble as much as he hated me. Maybe more.”
“I’m sorry,” I said. “I don’t understand.”
She spread her arms. “What do you see?”
“Ms. Padgett—”
“Seriously.” She held the pose.
Though the jumpsuit was far from slimming, I could tell Padgett’s body was fit and trim. She wore a string of red beads around her neck, probably coral. The subtle touch of femininity showed a flair for fashion that I’ve always admired but never possessed.
Padgett’s makeup was understated and skillfully applied. And completely unnecessary.
“You’re a beautiful woman—” I began, slightly embarrassed.
“Black woman.” She dropped her arms to her sides. “A beautiful black woman.”
“You’re saying Craig Bogan is a racist?”
“The man is a Neanderthal.”
As I’d suspected.
“And Cale wasn’t?”
Padgett shook her head. “Honey, I’m not kidding myself. Wasn’t then. There was no way Cale was going to put a ring on my finger. And my game plan didn’t involve settling for a high school dropout. We were both just sowing our oats.”
Rain was coming down hard. As Padgett continued, I pulled a windbreaker from my purse and slipped it on.
“But it wasn’t totally sex. Cale and I talked. I came to understand his way of thinking. He started out buying in to his old man’s racist horseshit. Why wouldn’t he? As a kid, he’d been brainwashed. And Bogan had a wicked temper. It was good Cale put distance between them.”
“You’re saying Cale became more liberal after getting away from his father?”
“He took up with me, didn’t he?”
“Why the change?”
Padgett didn’t hear my question. She was listening to an announcement coming over the loudspeakers.
“Son of a buck.” She kicked the tires in irritation. “They’ve raised the red flag.”
“The race is on hold?”
“Yeah. I’m going to have to cut this short.”
“If Cale wasn’t a white supremacist, why did he belong to the Patriot Posse?”
“He was quitting. I told all this to the cops back then.”
“Which one?”
“Big guy, dark hair.”
“Detective Galimore?” I felt a tickle of apprehension.
“I don’t remember the name.”
“Help me understand. You’re saying Bogan hated you because you’re black. What did he have against Cindi?”
“You didn’t catch my second meaning?”
I was lost.
“Black. Woman.”
“You’re saying Bogan hates women?”
“Only us uppity ones.” Delivered with an over-the-top black-girl cadence.
“Females who defile the hallowed and sacred.”
“I’m sorry, Ms. Padgett. I’m not following you.”
“I can’t speak for now, but back when I was seeing Cale, Craig Bogan lived and breathed NASCAR. Went to all the races. Schmoozed all the drivers. Decked out like a honky fool in all the gear. I think he landed the contract here because he never went home.”
Padgett’s eyes shone with an emotion I couldn’t define. I didn’t interrupt.
“Bogan was obsessed with NASCAR staying true to its roots. The redneck cracker opposed even the tiniest suggestion of change, despised anything or anyone who might”—she hooked finger quotes—“pollute the system.”
“The ladies and the less than white.”
“You’ve got it, girlfriend.”
“Bogan disliked the idea of Cindi driving NASCAR.”
“Loathed the very thought of it.”
“How did Cale feel?”
“He was resentful that Cindi could afford to participate in Bandoleros and he couldn’t.” She smiled at the irony of an old memory. “Made me happy. While Cindi was at the track in Midland, Cale and I were free to get it on.”
“Did you ever see Cale act abusive toward Cindi?”
Padgett shook her head. “He was nuts for that girl. Even as he was screwing me, Cale was crazy in love with Cindi.”
I was about to ask another question when the #72 Dodge roared into its pit. Padgett yelled to be heard over the noise of the engine.
“I’ve got to go.”
“Can we talk again later? I’m willing to wait.”
“Come back when the race ends. Joey won’t be hitting Victory Lane after this one.”
“At the hauler. We’ll be loading up.”
Pulling my hood over my head, I walked back to the gap where I’d stood earlier. Thunder and lightning were putting on quite a performance. Strong winds were whipping the rain into horizontal sheets.
Many fans had abandoned the stands for cover. Those who remained in their seats huddled under umbrellas or sat swaddled in brightly colored plastic ponchos.
Some drivers were still on the track. Others, like Frank, had opted for pulling into the pit.
I looked around for a dry spot to wait out the storm. Seeing few options, I decided to seek sanctuary with Galimore.
As before, he didn’t answer his mobile.
Annoyed, I resolved to find the security office on my own.
As I walked, head down, shoulders hunched against the downpour, disjointed data bytes ricocheted in my brain.
Slidell was certain Grady Winge had murdered Cale Lovette and Cindi Gamble and buried their bodies in the nature preserve. But what motive did Winge have? And why would he kill Wayne Gamble? To cover up his earlier crime? Gamble hadn’t died from abrin. He might have eventually, but had someone decided his death needed to be immediate?
Winge had the IQ of a brussels sprout. How had he gotten his hands on abrin? And why use it? Cindi and Cale had been shot, not poisoned.
Eli Hand had been poisoned. With ricin. But had that killed him? Larabee’s autopsy had also revealed head trauma.
Did Hand accidentally poison himself while experimenting with ricin? Were he and other crazies planning to use the toxin in some sort of terrorist assault? Was that what Cale Lovette and the old guy were discussing at the Double Shot?
Winge had access to the track, the barrel, the asphalt. Was he also responsible for Hand’s death?
Had Cindi and Cale discovered that Winge killed Hand? Was that why he shot them?
Had Winge truly been born again? If so, did his conversion spring from guilt?
Waterlogged fans crammed every shelter and filled every canopied or awninged foot of dry ground. At least a hundred huddled under the portico at the Media Center. Dozens had crawled under picnic tables outside concession stands.
Seeing a foot of space between a woman in a tissue-thin Danica Patrick tee and a shirtless old geezer in nothing but cutoffs, I darted under the overhang of a cinder-block restroom building. Thunder boomed as I dialed Slidell’s number.
Sweet Mother of God. Didn’t people answer their phones anymore?
I punched 411. Made my request.
A robotic voice provided a number. Even dialed it for me.
“Reverend Grace.” The voice sounded a thousand years old.
“Am I speaking with Honor Grace?”
“Yes, ma’am. Are you troubled? Is your soul in need of salvation?”
“No, sir. Are you aware that a member of your congregation has been arrested for murder?”
“Oh, my, my. Oh. Who is this, please?”
I identified myself, then cut off inquiry into the specifics of my authority by asking if a Detective Slidell had called.
“No. But I’ve been ministering to the sick all day and have yet to check my answering machine.”
“Are you familiar with Grady Winge?”
As I spoke, the Danica Patrick girl waved madly and shrieked, “Oh my God! Oh my God! Artie!”
“Are you all right, miss?” Grace sounded worried.
“I’m at the Speedway. Some fans are very energetic. Grady Winge?”
“Of course. Brother Winge has been a member of my church for many years. Is it he who is accused of this sin?”
“Can you comment on Winge’s whereabouts on Tuesday night?”
“Without reservation. Brother Winge was right here with me.”
I felt a chill that didn’t come from the rain.
“You’re certain?”
“Brother Winge comes every Tuesday to help prepare for Wednesday prayer meeting. This week I was taken ill. I don’t know if it was something I ate or a bug—”
“Winge was there for how long?”
“He arrived at six, as is his habit, and stayed all night. It wasn’t necessary. I was well by morning. But I was very thankful for his presence. The Lord does work—”
“Thank you, sir.”
I clicked off and pressed the phone to my chest. Beneath my curled fingers, my heart pounded.
Grady Winge hadn’t murdered Wayne Gamble.
Gamble’s killer was still out there.
I closed my eyes. Breathed deeply.
Did that mean Winge hadn’t shot Cindi and Cale? If not, who had?
Water ran from the eaves and ticked the gravel at my feet. People jostled and joked around me.
Wayne Gamble was killed at Stupak’s garage. Who could get past the barriers surrounding the Sprint Cup garage area?
Suddenly the whole wet world tilted.
Galimore had access to the entire Speedway complex.
Hawkins distrusted Galimore. Slidell hated him. Veteran cops suspected him of impeding the Lovette-Gamble investigation back in ’ninety-eight. But what involvement would Galimore have had with ricin or abrin? Was Galimore in league with others?
Galimore had been missing when I received the threatening call on my mobile at Craig Bogan’s house. He’d been missing when Eugene Fries put a gun to my head.
He was missing now. Had been since yesterday morning.
I remembered Padgett’s comment about Cale Lovette quitting the Patriot Posse. She said she told a cop back then. A big guy with dark hair.
Had that statement made its way into any report?
The chill spread through my body.
Flash And Bones Flash And Bones - Kathy Reichs Flash And Bones