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Richard R. Grant

Tác giả: Maya Banks
Thể loại: Tiểu Thuyết
Biên tập: Lý Mai An
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Language: English
Số chương: 39
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Cập nhật: 2015-12-11 12:22:34 +0700
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Chapter 25
wan scowled at that, his face growing as dark as a thundercloud.
“They crowed over the fact that they had managed to capture both your son and wife.”
Ewan leaned forward, his eyes intense. “Did they say anything else? Did they identify themselves? Did you recognize their crest?”
Slowly she shook her head. Then her brows knit together in concentration. “There was one thing. They said that Cameron would reward them handsomely for their bounty. ’Twas all I remember. When they discovered I was not pregnant, they meant to kill me for they realized their error.”
“Mercenaries,” Alaric spat. “Cameron has posted a reward for the capture of Mairin.”
Ewan let loose a string of blasphemies that had Keeley cringing. “There are many men without coin and nothing to lose by attempting to abduct Mairin and my child.”
“If they are mercenaries, they have no clan or keep to call home,” Alaric said. “ ’Tis likely they are still nearby.”
Ewan’s lips curled and his nostrils flared. “Aye. ’Tis time to go hunting.”
“I’ll ready myself to accompany you.”
Ewan paused and then shook his head. He stared down at Keeley and then back up to his brother. “Nay. I need you here. I want you to keep Mairin close. She can busy herself with Keeley. Caelen will accompany me.”
As he rose, he glanced down at Keeley again. He inclined his head in a gesture of respect. “Again, you have my thanks for the life of my son. I hope you are feeling to rights again soon.”
Keeley mumbled something appropriate and fought another yawn as he departed the chamber. ’Twas freezing again and she needed another fur. Why had Alaric taken it from her?
Alaric sank lower into the bed and cuddled her into his embrace. “Never have I been so frightened,” he admitted. “When I heard what had occurred and then I could not find you. ’Tis not a feeling I want to ever have again.”
“I knew you would come.”
“Your faith humbles me.”
She stroked his chest with her fingertips. Someday … Someday he would owe his protection to Rionna. And their children. Keeley would no longer be able to look to him to solve her ills or fight her battles. After so long of fighting her own, it was a wondrous feeling to have a man such as Alaric to stand for her.
“You should rest, Keeley. I can feel the fever burning through you.”
She was already drifting off, cocooned in his heat.
Alaric paced the interior of the hall in darkness. Ewan had taken a contingent of men to track the mercenaries who’d attacked Crispen and Keeley, and it was nearing dawn. They’d been gone for hours and Alaric’s impatience grew with each passing minute.
It angered him to be here when he itched for a fight. He wanted to vent some of the rage that smoldered in his system.
It wasn’t only the fact that these men had dared to touch what he considered his—and Keeley was his—Alaric wanted to let loose his frustration with the fates that would deny him the woman he loved.
Instead he waited for his brothers to return while he kept silent watch over the women of the keep.
He should go back up to look in on Keeley, but Maddie had agreed to stay by her bedside while Alaric stayed belowstairs where he could hear the watchmen cry alarm.
The fire was dying in the hearth but instead of summoning someone to add logs, he set about the task himself and soon the flames licked over the dry wood and roared to life.
A cry went up from the courtyard and Alaric reared his head. He hurried to the door and down the steps into the brisk night air.
Ewan and Caelen led their party into the courtyard and Alaric silently took stock of the men. All were present and accounted for, which meant they’d either not been successful in tracking their quarry or they’d sustained no losses in the fight.
Ewan dismounted and absently wiped his hand over his tunic, leaving a smear of blood. Alaric strode forward. “Are you hurt?”
Ewan glanced down and shook his head. “Nay. We sustained no injuries.”
“They are dead?”
“Aye,” Caelen said in a dark voice. “They’ll not be a bother to us again.”
Alaric nodded. “Good.”
“They would not talk and ’tis God’s truth I wasn’t patient with my questioning,” Ewan said. “They were the same men who took Crispen and Keeley, and Keeley said they spoke of Cameron. ’Tis enough proof for me.”
“How much longer must we wait?” Alaric asked in a quiet voice.
Around them, the men went silent. They all looked to Ewan, the question burning in their eyes. They wanted war. They were ready for war. They all despised Cameron and all he’d done to the McCabe clan. No McCabe would rest until Cameron and all his allies were wiped from the face of the earth.
“Soon,” Ewan said tersely. “We must have patience. After my son or daughter is born, we’ll claim Neamh Álainn as is our right. We’ll unite the whole of the highlands through Alaric’s marriage to Rionna McDonald. Then we’ll spit Duncan Cameron on the end of our swords.”
A roar went up from the courtyard. Torches and swords were thrust skyward as the cry went from warrior to warrior. Swords clanked against shields, horses reared, and fists were raised as the din increased.
Alaric met the gazes of his brothers in the glow of surrounding torches. Ewan’s eyes were alight with determination, and for the first time, Alaric felt shame for his frustration over his impending marriage.
Ewan had given all to his clan. He’d gone without so every woman and child could eat. He’d put his men above himself in every manner. Now they were poised to be the most powerful clan in all of Scotland.
If Alaric could do this one thing for his clan—for his brother, for Mairin, who’d rescued their clan from the brink of extinction—then he’d do it gladly and with pride.
He reached out with his arm, his hand splayed wide. Ewan grasped it and they locked arms. Sweat and blood gleamed on Ewan’s flesh. Their muscles bulged as they held fiercely to each other.
There was understanding when their gazes met and held.
Caelen sheathed his sword and then gave the order for their men to dismount and retire to their quarters. Then he turned to his two brothers. “Anyone for a swim in the loch?”
When next Keeley awoke, her head felt like an empty tankard and her mouth felt as though she’d dragged her tongue along the ground for a mile. She smacked her lips noisily and licked them, trying to infuse any sort of moisture into them.
She turned her head to the side and then groaned. Jesu, but moving hurt.
Her entire body was as limp as a well-used cleaning rag, and her skin was sticky from sweat. And she was nak*d. Not a stitch of clothing on, and the furs were in a bunch at her feet.
Embarrassment swept heat through her body once more. She was probably scarlet. Lord only knew who’d come and gone from her chamber during her fever.
A moan started to escape but she curled her lips and snarled. Enough was enough. How much more pitiful could she become? She’d already wasted who knew how much time abed acting like a sickling child. How many days had she lain here senseless? ’Twas embarrassing.
She raised one hand and then let it flop back to the bed. Her throat still pained her, but the fever was gone, though it had left her as a weak as a newborn.
And speaking of newborns, she needed to look in on Mairin to see how things progressed with the babe. Which meant she had to get up.
It took several long, exhausting minutes before she was able to push herself to the edge of the bed and sit up. She’d love a full-blown bath, but she didn’t have the strength to manage it.
She dragged herself over to the basin and wet a cloth. She took her time wiping down her body until she felt somewhat human again. She was tempted to go jump in the loch, frigid temperature and all.
After washing, she pulled out one of her dresses and faced it down like she was about to do battle. With a rueful smile, she realized she was. It took all her strength just to make herself presentable, and when she was done with all the trappings, she collapsed onto the bed and sat there girding her loins to go belowstairs.
By the time she staggered to the stairs, she prided herself of the fact that she hadn’t fallen on her face. Indeed by the time she worked her way to the bottom, her blood had sped up from its sluggish rate.
Breathless, but pleased, she pushed her way into the hall and looked around to see who was about.
Mairin was seated next to the fire with her feet propped on a stool with a pillow. Keeley smiled and set off toward the hearth.
When Mairin looked up and saw her, she gasped. “Keeley! What are you doing out of bed? You’ve been quite ill. You should be resting still. You bent Alaric’s ear for being up too soon.”
Keeley settled into the chair next to Mairin. “Aye ’tis true, I make a rotten patient but a strident caretaker. I expect those under my care to do as I say and not as I do.”
Mairin burst into laughter. “Well, at least you make no bones about it.” Then she reached over and grasped Keeley’s hand. “Are you all right? You still look a bit pale to me.”
Keeley grimaced. “My throat still pains me and my head has a hollow ache that unsettles me, but I couldn’t take another moment of lying in bed. I feel much better now that I’m up and about.”
Mairin fidgeted in her chair and repositioned her feet on the cushion. “ ’Tis the truth I’d love to lie in bed today. The babe is pressing on my back and I find it too much to even stand for more than a moment.”
“You should go up to bed then. ’Tis important not to overtax yourself.”
Mairin smiled over at her. “You sound so motherly and yet you won’t take your own advice.”
“ ’Tis a healer’s prerogative,” Keeley said cheekily.
Both women were startled when Ewan swept into the hall with the king’s messenger directly behind him. Unsure of whether she was to show respect for the king’s man, Keeley scrambled from her chair and stood ramrod straight as Caelen and Alaric entered the hall after the messenger.
Mairin struggled to push herself from her chair. “Ewan?”
Ewan crossed the room and pushed her gently back down. “Nay, don’t get up.” He looked to Keeley and nodded for her to also take her seat. He frowned slightly as if just noticing she was up and around, but he dismissed her with a glance and turned his attention back to the messenger.
“ ’Tis a missive from the king I bring you. He asks that I wait for a response,” the messenger said.
Ewan nodded and gestured for the messenger to sit down at the table. He then motioned for refreshment to be brought from the kitchen.
He unfurled the scroll and spent a few moments reading before he looked up again. It was Alaric his gaze found.
“ ’Tis a message about your forthcoming marriage.”
Alaric’s brow went up, and he glanced quickly at Keeley before returning his gaze to his brother.
“The king expresses his satisfaction with the match and his excitement over the alliances we’ll form. He’d like to travel here for the marriage and for the neighboring clans to be invited so that he may hear their vows of allegiance in person.”
The hall went quiet.
Keeley’s chest tightened until she thought it might explode. She dare not look up at Alaric for she knew her expression must be tortured. She looked down at her tightly clasped hands, not wanting anyone to see her pain.
“ ’Tis a great honor, Alaric,” Ewan said quietly.
“Aye. Please convey my appreciation for the honor he bestows upon me,” Alaric said formally.
“He asks that I send word as soon as we know the day the wedding will take place.”
Out of the corner of her eye, Keeley saw Alaric nod stiffly.
Keeley heard Mairin’s swift intake of breath and when she glanced up at the other woman, sympathy shone bright in her eyes. Keeley smiled bravely and lifted her chin.
“I’ve always wanted to meet the king.”
’Twas not her being cowardly that forced Keeley to her chamber before the evening meal had finished being served. She shuddered to think what she looked like. She knew what she felt like, and Maddie had promised to have hot water for a bath brought up.
The prospect of soaking in a tub of steaming water made her moan in anticipation. She struggled up the stairs, so exhausted she could barely make her legs work.
When she entered her chamber, she was so grateful that the women had already started filling the tub, she was weepy.
Maddie bustled in a moment later, hands on her h*ps as she surveyed the progress. Then she turned to Keeley and plopped onto the bed beside her.
“Do you need help getting into the tub, lass?”
Keeley smiled. “Thank you but nay. You’re wonderful to do this for me, Maddie. I know ’tis a burden to bring the water up the stairs.”
Maddie patted her knee. “ ’Tis the least we can do for our healer. If we don’t take care of you and keep you hale and hearty, there’ll be no one to care for our sick!”
In Bed With A Highlander #2 In Bed With A Highlander #2 - Maya Banks In Bed With A Highlander #2