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Mary Case

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You Will Know
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Ca sĩ: Stevie Wonder
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Lonely one of young so brokenhearted
Traveling down the rigid road of life
Using pharmaceutical extractions
To find the paradise
Finds the high but comes down feeling lower
Gets down on their knees and starts to pray
Looking up to heaven for the answer
They hear a voice that says
You will know
Troubled heart you'll know
Problems have solutions
Trust and I will show
You will know
Troubled heart you'll know
Every life has reason
For I made it so
Single parent trying to raise their children
But they would much rather not alone
Reaches out to find that special someone
To make their house a home
Finds someone but no one is the right one
Gets down on their knees and starts to pray
Looking up to heaven for the answer
They hear a voice that says
You will know
Troubled heart you'll know
Problems have solutions
Trust and I will show
You will know
Troubled heart you'll know
Every life has reason
For I made it so
You will know
Troubled heart you'll know
Problems have solutions
Trust and I will show
You will know
Troubled heart you'll know
Every life has reason
For I made it so