You practice mindfulness, on the one hand, to be calm and peaceful. On the other hand, as you practice mindfulness and live a life of peace, you inspire hope for a future of peace.

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What He Wrote
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Ca sĩ: Laura Marling
Lời nhạc Laura Marling: epub ePub PDF A4A4   PDF A5A5   PDF A6A6  
Forgive me Dear,
I cannot stay.
He cut out my tongue,
There is nothing to say.
Love me? oh no, he threw me away,
He laughed at my sins, in his arms I must
He wrote, I'm broke.
Please send for me.
I'm broken too,
And spoken for.
Do not, tempt me.
Her skin is fun, and I'm light as the
So holy light shines, on the things, you have done.
So I asked him,
How he became this man?
How that he learned,
To hold fruit in his hands?
And where is the lamb, that gave you your
He had to leave, though I begged HIM to
Left you alone, when you needed the
Fell to your knees, and you wept for your
If he had of stayed, you might
If he had of stayed, you never would've
Taken my hand.
He wrote,
I'm alone.
Please send for me.
But I'm broken too,
And spoken for.
Do not, tempt me.
And where is the lamb, that gave you your
He had to flee, though I begged him to
Begged him to stay, in my cold wooden
Begged him to stay, by the light of my
Me fighting him,
Fighting light,
Fighting dawn.
The waves came,
And stole him,
And took him toward.
He wrote,
I'm broke.
Please send for me.
But I'm broken too,
And spoken for.
Do not, tempt me.
Forgive me, dear, I cannot stay.
He cut out my tongue, there is nothing to
Love me or not, he threw me away.
He laughed at my sins, in his arms I must
We write.
That's alright.
I miss his smell.
And we speak,
When spoken to.
That suits us well.
We write.
And that's alright.
But I miss his smell.
And I speak, when spoken to,
'cause that suits me well.
That suits me well.