People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar.

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We'll Be Together
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Ca sĩ: Elvis Presley
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Oh I will never forget the first night we met
Was love I was searching for
My heart beat faster and faster, oh so much faster
Faster than it did before
Juntos estaremos
Siempre por siempre
Junto a mi corazo'n
Siempre estara's
We'll be together, and love forever
Nothing can change our destiny
I knew the moment I kissed you, couldn't resist you
Together we belong
And then I knew in that moment just what this glow meant
True love had come along
We'll be together, ever and ever, close to my heart
You'll always be.
We'll be together, and love forever
Nothing can change our destiny