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J. Sidlow Baxter

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We Didn't See a Thing
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Ca sĩ: George Jones
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Well I swear I didn't see you with your wife's best girlfriend
Drinkin' beer and a dancin' to that western swing
And I didn't see you kiss her and leave that barroom with her
No I didn't see you and I didn't see you and we didn't see a thing
George I know I didn't hear you tell that bloudm that you weren't married
I know I didn't see you hidin' your weddin' ring either did I
And I know I couldn't have heard you call your wife
And tell her that you were working
No I didn't see you and I didn't see you and we didn't see a thing
We've got to stick together to keep our stories straight
No don't forget Ray I was down in Atlanta sure you were and I was workin' late
Yeah you know it's always good to see you George it's good to see you too
But I didn't see you and I didn't see you and we didn't see a thing
Hey Ray by the way do you leave that hundred bucks you owe me
I don't know what you're talkin' about George
Well I'm sure you recall our bet on last night's football game
No I don't but you know if I had seen you I certainly would've paid ya
But I didn't see you and I didn't see you and we didn't see a thing
We've got to stick together to keep our stories straight
Don't forget I was down in Atlanta and don't you forget I was working late
But I didn't see you and I didn't see you and we didn't see a thing
I didn't see you and I didn't see you and we didn't see a thing