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Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr

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Train Wreck
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Your love in all it's finery
Tear up the darkness all around me
Until I can breathe again
Until I believe again
'Cause I'm a train wreck
Waiting to happen
Waiting for someone to come pick me up off the tracks
A wild fire born of frustration
Born of the one love that gets me so high
I've no fear at all
But your eyes like midnight fireflies
Light up the trenches where our loves lies
Until I can see again
Find my way back again
To fall so deep into you
Loose myself completely
In your sweet embrace
All my pain's erased
And your mouth, it's all that I wish
Mercy of your lips, just one kiss
Until I can breathe again
Until I can sing again
To fall so deep into you
Loose myself completely
In your sweet embrace
All my pain's erased