We have more possibilities available in each moment than we realize.

Thích Nhất Hạnh

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To Whom It May Concern
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Ca sĩ: Journey
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Man is love man is animal
A warrior an intellectual
He's the face of original sin
He's the devil and the poet within
Our father's have embraced the messiah
And made the peace with Allah
They even sought to be like Buddha
To follow the old ways of Krishna
Pretending prophets come to rule this age
Turn the faith to fuel the wars they stage
Well something has to change to go beyond the pain
And somehow turn the page
To whom it may concern I'm sending out a prayer
The world finds peace in my lifetime
To whom it may concern are you listening
Are you there?
I'll keep my hopes for paradise alive
To whom it may concern
We simply want to live it free
So happy and in harmony
No guilt, no fear, no hell to burn
To whom it may concern I'm sending out a prayer
The world finds peace in my lifetime
To whom it may concern are you listening
Are you there?
I'll keep my hopes for paradise alive
I close my eyes

Trình bày: Journey