No man can be called friendless who has God and the companionship of good books.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

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Through the Storm
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In this world it's hard
you know
lovers come and lovers go
people never seem to hold on to what they've got.
Some they never stay together
you and I will be no better
we can make it last forever
we can keep this love alive.
Through the storm
through the tears
you and I
I know we can survive.
To the day
through the night
if we try we can keep it alive
we can keep it alive.
I know sometimes it's been so tough
we've been so close to giving up
but our love's so strong and we keep holding on
to what we got.
It's easier to walk away
it takes a lot of love to stay
we've got all the love it takes
we know there's a brighter day.
Through the storm
through the tears
you and I
I know we can survive.
To the day
through the night
if we try we can keep it alive
we can keep it alive.
We just gotta be strong
we just gotta be strong
we just gotta be strong together
we just gotta hold on
we just gotta hold on
we just gotta hold on and go through the storm.
Through the storm
through the tears
you and I
I know we can survive.
To the day
through the night
if we try we can keep it alive
we can keep it alive.
Through the storm
through the tears
you and I
I know we can survive.
To the day
through the night
if we try we can keep it alive
we can keep it alive