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Winston Churchill

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They've Only Themselves to Blame
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Lời nhạc Gilbert O'Sullivan: epub ePub PDF A4A4   PDF A5A5   PDF A6A6  
I'm afraid that from today our meeting
Must be temporarily postponed
It seems our parents followed us one evening
Caught us walking one another home
Now I have been confined till further notice
Told I should be thoroughly ashamed
And for all the good that it will do me
They've only themselves to blame
I don't understand a word they're saying
Telling me it's for our own good
Do they think that we're just children playing
How can we be so misunderstood
I am a man the same as any other
Younger though I may be in my years
Tell me I'm a child who should know better
And you won't see me holding back the tears
Can't they get it through their heads I love you
Must I try so hard to explain
If we're reported missing in the morning
Then they're only themselves to blame
They've only themselves to blame