Meditation can help us embrace our worries, our fear, our anger; and that is very healing. We let our own natural capacity of healing do the work.

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The Rain Song
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Ca sĩ: Led Zeppelin
Lời nhạc Led Zeppelin: epub ePub PDF A4A4   PDF A5A5   PDF A6A6  
This is the springtime of my loving
The second season I am to know
You are the sunlight in my growing
So little warmth I've felt before.
It isn't hard to feel me glowing
I watched the fire that grew so low.
It is the summer of my smiles-
Flee from me keepers of the gloom.
Speak to me only with your eyes
It is to you I give this tune.
Ain't so hard to recognize
These things are clear to all from
Time to time. Ooooh
Talk talk-
I've felt the coldness of my winter
I never thought it would ever go
I cursed the gloom that set upon us
But I know that I love you so
But I know that I love you so.
These are the seasons of emotion
And like the winds they rise and fall
This is the wonder of devotion
I see the torch we all must hold.
This is the mystery of the quotient
Upon us all a little rain
Must fall, just a little rain?
Ooooh, yeah yeah yeah!