Let your bookcases and your shelves be your gardens and your pleasure-grounds. Pluck the fruit that grows therein, gather the roses, the spices, and the myrrh.

Judah Ibn Tibbon

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Give me release
Witness me
I am outside
Give me peace
Heaven holds a sense of wonder
And I wanted to believe that I'd get caught up
When the rage in me subsides
Chokes the flower
Until she cries no more
Possessing all the beauty
Hungry still for more
Heaven holds a sense of wonder
And I wanted to believe that I'd get caught up
When the rage in me subsides
In this white wave
I am sinking
In this silence
In this white wave...
In this silence...
I believe I can't help this longing...
Comfort me I can't hold it all in...
If you won't let me...
Heaven holds a sense of wonder
And I wanted to believe that I'd get caught up
When the rage in me subsides
In this white wave
I am sinking
In this silence
In this white wave...
In this silence...
I believe I have seen you...
In this white wave
You are silent
You are breathing
In this white wave...
I am free