Những ai dám làm, sẽ thắng.

Winston Churchill

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Lời nhạc Sarah McLachlan: epub ePub PDF A4A4   PDF A5A5   PDF A6A6  
I looked into your eyes
They told me plenty
I already knew
You never felt a thing
So soon forgotten all that you do
In more than words I
Tried to tell you
The more I tried I failed
I would not let myself believe
That you might stray
And I would stand by you
No matter what they'd say
I would have thought I'd be with you
Until my dying day
Until my dying day
I used to think my life
Was often empty
A lonely space to fill
You hurt me more than
I ever would have imagined
You made my world stand still
And in that stillness
There was a freedom
I never felt before
I would not let myself believe
That you might stray
And I would stand by you
No matter what they'd say,
I would have thought I'd be with you
Until my dying day
Until my dying day