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Dale Carnegie

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Lời nhạc Aretha Franklin: epub ePub PDF A4A4   PDF A5A5   PDF A6A6  
Oh pitiful
Feel so sorry for me
It's pitiful
Feel so sorry for me
Though you dont' love me you see
You still won't set me free
Oh set me free
I wonder why I wondered why you do me like you do
I wonder why you do me like you do
When you know that I love you baby
And you know I wouldn't do it to you
No no
It looks like it makes you happy
Just to see me cry
Please have mercy on this
Vacant heart of mine
You're trying to see how mean you can be
I would do my dog better that the way you do me
Feel so sorry for myself
Feel so sorry for myself
When you know that you dont' want me baby
But you aint' gonna let me have nobody else now are ya