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Grace Hansen

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New Thing
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Ca sĩ: Fuel
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Take me out alive
Take me out it's all so stale
Give me another life
Excuse me if I tried and failed
And I don't mind if I fall
It's not that far at all
I got a new thing, it's so inspired
It's not the real thing, but it's for me
Because the real thing I don't desire
So it's the new thing I choose for me
Denial comfort me
Built the gallows high
You gave me plans and silver nails
The architects of pride
But I'm the one you're hanging now
And I don't mind if I fall
It's not that far at all
I got a new thing, it's so inspired
It's not the real thing, but it's for me
Because the real thing I don't desire
So it's the new thing I choose for me
Denial comfort me
And I don't mind if I fall
It's not that far at all
I got a new thing, it's so inspired
It's not the real thing, but it's for me
Because the real thing I don't desire
So it's the new thing I choose for me
Denial comfort me