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Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr

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Kid Things
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What's there that makes you want to be lonely?
What's there to keep you sitting at home?
He'd always say no, no, no
As if he wanted you to be hungry
Well, the same things you're missing
Could get you into something else
Better leave when to stay
Is only nothing but being alone
What I wanted you to know is kid things
Seemed like nothing at all
Kid things make it better than it was
Kid things seemed like nothing at all
But kid things make it better than it was
Hey, what you got that makes you want to be lonely?
Hey, what you got that makes it a better way to be?
She said no, no, no
I can't get any love and it's a Sunday
I said oh, yeah
What makes you think I wanted it that way?
'Cause one or two more smiles from you
And I don't need anything else
What I wanted you to know is kid things
Seemed like nothing at all
Kid things make it better than it was
We're just kids
We spend all night on the phone
It's a kid thing
But I sleep better when I'm not alone
What I want right now is just some more
Gimme more, hey what you think
Is you're not getting any younger
What I know is that you're not really very old
I know you wanna say no, no, no
It feels much better in the summer
Well, if it isn't warm where you're sittin'
Then kitten come on in out of the cold
'Cause all I know is when I'm with you
Well, I don't need anything else
What I wanted you to know is kid things
Seemed like nothing at all
And kid things make it better than it was
We're just kids
We spend all night on the phone
It's a kid thing
So I sleep better when I'm not alone
Kid things seemed like nothing at all
Kid things make it better than it was
We're just kids, just like driving a car
It's a kid thing and the further out
The closer in you are