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Tom Hopkins

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If I Could Bottle This Up
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Ca sĩ: George Jones
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If I could bottle this up I'd make a million
If I could tell everybody in town what I've been feelin'
It's guaranteed to put a smile on you face
A song in your heart after one little taste
A man could make a million bucks if I could bottle this up.
Oh, if I could take a fist a twist it into liquid form
And mix it with the way I melt there in your arms
Sprinkle and a twinkle or two from your eyes
And a dab of this feeling inside
Folks would just eat it up if I could bottle this up.
Oh, If I could bottle this up I'd make a million
If I could tell everybody around what I've been feelin'
It's guaranteed to put a smile on you face
A song in your heart after one little taste
Well, I could make a million bucks if I could bottle this up.
I can see me now, people knocking down my door
Till I could get it on the shelf of the local department store
And I can see it now going right to the top
I'll bet it would sell to the very last drop
Folks couldn't get enough if I could bottle this up.
If we could bottle this up we'd make a million
If we could tell everybody in town what we've been feelin'
It's guaranteed to put a smile on you face
A song in your heart after one little taste
The world couldn't get enough, you know they'd just eat it up
And we could make a million bucks if we could bottle this up