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Benjamin Mays

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I’m Not Sleeping
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She comes to me at night when I'm sleeping
She comes to me when I'm alone
She comes to me She holds my head when I'm crying
She comes to me She shuts my eyes
She brings me home
But I'm not sleeping anymore
She tells me when you look at me She tells me when you're lying
She tells me when you talk about me She lays me on the floor
She tells me when you're whispering She lies beside me naked
She tells me when you laugh at me
and she locks all the doors
But I'm not sleeping anymore
All alone again
But I've been through all this **** before
Spend my nights in self defense
Cry about my innocence
But I ain't all that innocent anymore
I see her on the TV I see her in the movies
I see her in these animals that dance inside my head
I'll follow you down baby Down into this valley
I'll follow you down baby But I won't come up again
But I'm not sleeping anymore