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Keith DeGreen

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Ca sĩ: Joan Osborne
Lời nhạc Joan Osborne: epub ePub PDF A4A4   PDF A5A5   PDF A6A6  
I am a genius
I am a diamond
My Pretty tongue gives you freezer burn
I think above you
in three dimensions
Come in here, you can never return
Like a hurricane
in the face of the wind and the rain
like a hurricane
when you open you open a vein
I see your headlights across my ceiling
you are a puppet of a wish I made
They never touch me, they say I'm brain,
my mother's brain
Like a hurricane
in the face of the wind and the rain
like a hurricane
when you open you open a vein
You plant a seed in my mind
I walk around and I speak your message
For myself I don't know what to say
I walk around and I speak your message
Like a hurricane
in the face of the wind and the rain
like a hurricane
when you open you open a vein
Give me more give me more Novocain

Trình bày: Bridgit Mendler

by Huang Carey