People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar.

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How Can You Lose What You Never Had
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Ca sĩ: Elvis Presley
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How can you lose what you never had
I tell myself when I'm feeling sad
You don't have the right to cry
You believed your own lie
It's your fault because
You thought that she was yours
Think it over once, think it over twice
I wish I could take my own advice
I know I should be glad, why does it hurt so bad
How can you lose what you never had
You don't have the right to cry
You believed your own lie
It's your fault because
You thought that she was yours
Think it over once, think it over twice
I wish I could take my own advice
I know I should be glad, why does it hurt so bad
How can you lose what you never had
How can you lose what you never had