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Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr

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Hawaiian Wedding Song
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Ca sĩ: Elvis Presley
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This is the moment
I've waited for
I can hear my heart singing
Soon bells will be ringing
This is the moment
Of sweet Aloha
I will love you longer than forever
Promise me that you will leave me never
Here and now dear,
All my love,
I vow dear
Promise me that you will leave me never
I will love you longer than forever
you-a, si-la
Pa-a ia me o-e
Ko a-lo-ha ma-ka-mea e i-po
Ka-'you ia e le-i a-e ne-i la
Now that we are one
Clouds won't hide the sun
Blue skies of Hawaii smile
On this, our wedding day
I do love you with all my heart