The act of love . . . is a confession. Selfishness screams aloud, vanity shows off, or else true generosity reveals itself.

Albert Camus

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From Russia Infected
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Seen the man?
New disease
Everybody's infected.
Seen the man?
He'll storm your heart
Everybody believes.
Seen the man?
Sly new game
Kiss another cute baby.
Seen the man?
No war machine
So everybody wants peace?
Everybody's infected
Everybody believes.
I've been looking for something
But it just gets harder
I could look for ever
What am I going to do.
Storm the heart
Boy threw up
Everybody's disgusted.
Storm the heart
Girl went down
Everybody looked shocked.
Storm the heart
New young thing
Everybody's obsession.
Storm the heart
'Levi' jeans
Think it's cool to kill.
Everybody's infected
Everybody believes.
One more reason
One more lie.
Dreams are cruel
This is life
It replaced religion.
Change your mind
Make it mine
Everybody looks sad.
Dirty film
Ten years old
This is Russia infected.
Party time
Time runs out
Everybody go home.
Everybody's infected
Everybody believes.