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Do You Love Me That Much
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Ca sĩ: Peter Cetera
Lời nhạc Peter Cetera: epub ePub PDF A4A4   PDF A5A5   PDF A6A6  
Sometimes at night I lay awake,
Just to watch you sleep, hear each breath you take.
When the morning lights your face,
I just want to hold you, and forget the day.
I live and breathe your every touch
Do you love me, do you love me, do you love me that much?
When you look at me across the crowded room,
Suddenly I want to be alone with you.
I hang on every word that leaves your lips,
Anticipate the moment when I feel your kiss.
Enough of you is not enough.
Do you love me, do you love me, do you love me that much?
For so long, I've been trying to believe,
That someday, you'll fall as deep as me.
But it's just not there, love isn't always fair.
Would you want the best for me,
And I hope I find the kind of love you can't feel for me.
Could you find it in your heart,
To end this thing right now before it's gone too far
Let me go and give me up
Do you love me, do you love me, do you love me that much?
Do you love me that much?