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Custom Made
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Ca sĩ: Andy Griggs
Lời nhạc Andy Griggs: epub ePub PDF A4A4   PDF A5A5   PDF A6A6  
She says I'm a piece of work
And I make her laugh
She's got answers for
Anything I could ask
We fit together inside and out
She knows where I'm going
'Fore I turn around
No there ain't another like her
And I can't believe
That her soul and mine were
Meant to be
She flew in first class
Straight from heaven above
I gotta say, she's just like cutom made
For me to love
Yeah, custom made
For me to love
When I put my arms around her
We just fit
She tells me she ain't never
Felt nothin' like this
She's that one in a million
We're two of a kind
I was born to be hers
She was made to be mine
No there ain't another like her
And I can't believe
That her soul and mine were
Meant to be
She flew in first class
Straight from heaven above
I gotta say, she's just like custom made
For me to love
Yeah, she's that one in a million
We're two of a kind
I was born to be hers
She was made to be mine
No there ain't another like her
And I can't believe
That her soul and mine were
Meant to be
She flew in first class
Straight from heaven above
I gotta say
I gotta say
She's custom made, yeah
Custom made
For me to love
Custom made
For me to love
Custom Made
For me to love
I gotta say she's custom made