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Chain of Love
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Ca sĩ: Journey
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One precious moment in a state of grace
Send the mantra to an endless night
Feel the glow, feel the peace of mind
True perfection in one true light
Pathways in my mind that lead to nowhere
Promises of happiness that leave me wanting more
When my desire becomes a nightmare
Feel paranoia about what I'm wishing for
If I could just let go of who I think I am
Surrender to the silence, help me understand
There's no beginning, there's no end
There is no self, no fortress to defend
An endless circle beyond space and time
It's the chain of love that binds me
The chain of love defines me
Chain, chain, chain, chain of love
Voices in my head that try to rule me
I've found a place where I can't hear them anymore
My own illusions come to fool me
Lost in emotions that I've never touched before
If I could get beyond what's in my mind
Free my spirit, leave the world behind
There's no beginning, there's no end
There is no self, no fortress to defend
An endless circle beyond space and time
It's the chain of love that binds me
The chain of love defines me
Chain, chain, chain, chain of love
One precious moment in a state of grace
Send the mantra to an endless night
Feel the glow, feel the peace of mind
True perfection in one true light
[Repeat: x2]
There's no beginning, there's no end
There is no self, no fortress to defend
An endless circle beyond space and time
It's the chain of love that binds me
The chain of love defines me
Chain, chain, chain, chain of love