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Back to Manhattan
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Ca sĩ: Norah Jones
Lời nhạc Norah Jones: epub ePub PDF A4A4   PDF A5A5   PDF A6A6  
I'll go back to Manhattan,
As if nothing ever happened.
When I cross that bridge,
It'll be as if this don't exist.
Have a prince who is waiting,
And a kingdom downtown.
I'll go back to Manhattan,
As if nothing ever happened
Don't have to speak at all.
One look in your eyes,
And I won't have to fall,
Don't have to speak at all.
Brooklyn holds you
And holds my heart too.
What a fool I was to think
I could live in both worlds.
Don't have to speak at all.
One look in your eyes,
And I won't have to fall,
Don't have to speak at all.
I should go back to Manhattan,
It's just a train ride away.
I know nothing about leaving,
But I know I should do it today.