Books are the compasses and telescopes and sextants and charts which other men have prepared to help us navigate the dangerous seas of human life.

Jesse Lee Bennett

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All the Way
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I kiss you and I feel you pull away
It hurts me when I feel you hesitate
Mistakes I've made wish I could take them back
Say it's not too late to hear you
Speak your heart and I will listen
Don't hold back we'll find what's missing
I'll take you all the way
Close your eyes and think forever
If you believe we go together
I'll take you all the way
Sifting through the memories we have known
Looking back at places we have gone
Let's not leave behind what so few have found
Love ain't always easy so
I'll take you all the way
I'll take you all the way
From the miles that come between us
To have faith in love and where it leads us
I'll take you all the way
I'll take you all the way
From the miles that come between us
To have faith in love and where it leads us
I'll take you all the way
I'll take you all the way