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Keith DeGreen

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All Night Long
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Yeah, come on and let the good times roll
We're gonna stay here till we soothe our souls
If it take all night long
One more time, come on and let the good times roll
We're gonna stay here till we soothe our souls
If it take all night long
Gotta tell you, evenin' sun is sinkin' low
The clock on the wall say it's time to go
I got my plans I don't know about you
I'll tell you exactly what I'm gonna do
Get in the groove and let the good times roll
I'm gonna stay here till I soothe my soul
If it take all night long
Yeah, everybody let the good times roll
We're gonna stay here till we soothe our souls
If it take all night long
Yeah, it might be one O'clock and it might be three
Time don't mean that much to me
I've felt this good since I don't know when
And I might not feel this good again
So come on and let the good times roll
We're gonna stay here till we soothe our souls
If it take all night long
And all night and all night
(All night, all night)
And all night and all night long
(All night, all night)
Somebody said it might take all night long
And all night and all night
(All night, all night)
So, come on and let the good times roll
We're gonna stay here till we soothe our souls
If it take all night long