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Chapter 60
wo-tone headed through the mirrored corridor that led from theoutside patio to the dance floor. As he turned to check his safetypin in the reflection, he sensed a figure looming up behind him. Hespun, but it was too late. A pair of rocklike arms pinned his bodyface-first against the glass.
The punk tried to twist around. "Eduardo? Hey, man, is thatyou?" Two-Tone felt a hand brush over his wallet before thefigure leaned firmly into his back. "Eddie!" the punkcried. "Quit fooling around! Some guy was lookin' forMegan."
The figure held him firmly.
"Hey, Eddie, man, cut it out!" But when Two-Tonelooked up into the mirror, he saw the figure pinning him was nothis friend at all.
The face was pockmarked and scarred. Two lifeless eyes staredout like coal from behind wire-rim glasses. The man leaned forward,placing his mouth against Two-Tone's ear. A strange, voicechoked, "Adónde fué? Where'd hego?" The words sounded somehow misshapen.
The punk froze, paralyzed with fear.
"Adónde fué?" the voice repeated."El Americano."
"The… the airport. Aeropuerto," Two-Tonestammered.
"Aeropuerto?" the man repeated, his dark eyes watchingTwo-Tone's lips in the mirror.
The punk nodded.
"Tenía el anillo? Did he have the ring?"
Terrified, Two-Tone shook his head. "No."
"Viste el anillo? Did you see the ring?"
Two-Tone paused. What was the right answer?
"Viste el anillo?" the muffled voice demanded.
Two-Tone nodded affirmatively, hoping honesty would pay. It didnot. Seconds later he slid to the floor, his neck broken.
Digital Fortress Digital Fortress - Dan Brown Digital Fortress