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Chapter 46
hane and Paula walked across the British Airways terminal at Kennedy Airport, took the escalator to the second level, and went into the First Class lounge.
They found a quiet corner.
After helping her off with her wild mink cape, Shane shrugged out of his trench coat and threw it on a chair nearby.
"Let's have a drink," he suggested. "We have time before your flight."
"That'll be nice. Thank you, darling."
Shane smiled down at her, and ambled over to the bar at the other side of the lounge.
Paula watched him. How marvelous he looked. So darkly handsome and commanding, in absolute control. Her expression became soft; her eyes filled with love for him. In the year they had been having their love affair her feelings for him had only grown deeper. He was so much a part of her now she felt lost when they were separated and only half-alive without him. He never ceased to surprise her. Although she had known him all of her life, she had never fully realized how truly dependable he was in every circumstance or emergency. He had a tremendous sense of commitment to her, and to every single thing that was important in his life. His strength of character was almost awesome. He has iron in his soul, she thought.
She gazed at him lovingly as he returned with their drinks.
Shane smiled back, handed her the vodka and tonic, and took the seat next to her.
He touched his glass to hers, said, "Here's to next month, Paula, to the beginning of the new year."
"To 1971," Paula said.
"It is going to be our year, darling. Everything will be worked out with Jim. You'll be free, and, just think, you'll be back here in January, not too long, really. We can start making our plans for the future. Finally."
"Won't that be wonderful," she said, but her luminous eyes darkened with incipient worry.
Shane noticed. He frowned. "I don't like that look on your face, Paula. What's wrong?"
She shook her head, laughed gaily. "Nothing. Ill just be glad when I've talked to Jim, settled matters with him. He's so frustrating, refusing to admit anything's wrong, burying his head in the sand. I know you probably think I've been ineffectual in dealing with the situation. However, it's hard to talk to someone who simply will not listen." She reached out, squeezed his arm. "Sorry. I'm going over old ground, repeating myself."
"That's all right. I understand. But you'll tackle him when you get back." A grin surfaced as Shane added, "You should get him in a room, lock the door and pocket the key. That way he'll have to hear you out."
"If necessary that's what I will do. I promise. I'm very determined to thrash this out once and for all. Of course, it's not a good time, with Christmas only two weeks away. On the other hand, I suppose there is never a right time for discussing divorce... emotional situations are always difficult."
"Yes." He leaned forward urgently. "I know it won't be easy, Paula. I wish I could be in England with you, there in the background if you need me, but I have to go to the islands. I ve no option. However"—he stopped, stared at her intently—"I'll fly to London immediately, if you can't cope alone.'
"I know you will, but I'll manage. Really, I will, Shane." There was a small silence and then she said, "Thank you for this past month. It's been wonderful. And having an uninterrupted period of time with you has worked miracles for me. I feel so much better than I did when I arrived in November... in every way."
"So do I. And look here, Paula, it's been a triumphant month for you, if you think about it. Getting Dale Stevens's contract renewed and defeating Marriott Watson on so many of the issues "at Sitex ought to make you feel good. And perhaps your success augurs well for the future. You've had a lot of sadness to deal with."
"You pulled me through, Shane, you truly did. You've been so supportive and consoling. I'm stronger than I ever was because of you, your love and your understanding. And talking of Sitex..." Her voice trailed off lamely. She eyed him 'carefully and wrinkled her nose. "I know that you won't laugh when I tell you this, since you're such a superstitious Celt at heart..." Again she stopped. Her eyes did not leave his face.
"I never laugh at you. So go on, tell me."
Her fine mouth curved up into a light smile and she shook her head, suddenly laughing at herself. "Well, when I first heard about the explosion in the Emeremm III I couldn't help thinking it was a bad omen, a sign of more hideous disasters looming ahead. And in a way I was right. Looking back, these past fourteen months have been fraught with problems... Min's death, the trouble in Ireland around the time of the explosion. Grandy's growing suspicions about Jonathan; Sarah s nastiness to me personally, her scheming to get her hands on the Harte boutiques. My marriage falling apart. Aunt Elizabeth's awful behavior; the fear of scandal because of her divorce and Gianni's attitude. The continuing difficulties with Sitex, the internal fighting in that company, not to mention Jim's plane crash, then his nervous breakdown. The suddenness of Blackie's death, and Grandy going so soon after him, and all that horrendous quarreling in the family about her will." She pursed her lips. "I feel as if someone put a curse on me, or, rather, on Emma's family."
Shane took her hand in his. "In a sense, you have had more than your fair share. But let's be objective. First of all, Blackie was eighty-four and Emma was eighty-one, so it was to be expected that they would die soon. And they did have peaceful deaths, Paula, after long and productive lives. Second, you've put an end to the screaming and shouting about her will in certain quarters. You've settled many of the problems at Sitex, and Sarah's scheming against you was nipped in the bud by Emma. Jim has apparently recovered. Anthony and Sally are happily married and have a lovely son. Even your Aunt Elizabeth got off scot free and is seemingly happy with Marc Deboyne. As for your marriage, it was doomed long before the Emeremm III exploded.". He put his arm around her, kissed her cheek, then drew away, looking into her face so close to his. "What about adding up the positives? Blackie and Emma were able to celebrate her eightieth birthday together, and they did have a wonderful eight months traveling the world. Emerald Bow won the Grand National, which was a triumph for Grandpops. Edwina was reconciled with Emma,'who lived long enough to see Emily married to Winston, Alexander to Maggie. There have been many happy occasions, and a lot of good things have happened along with the bad."
"Oh, Shane, you're so right. How silly I must sound."
"Not at all, and, as you said, there's nobody more superstitious than I. Still, I do try to look for the rainbow. There usually is one, you know." His face changed slightly and he peered at her through dark eyes grown quizzical. "When you phoned me that night in October, after the reading of Aunt Emma's will, you said she'd made me one of her heirs because she loved me like one of her own, and because of her lifelong friendship with my grandfather. And 1 know you keep repeating that, but—" He sat back, groped in his pocket for his cigirettes, took one, lit it. He smoked for a second or two, staring into the distance.
Observing him closely, her interest piqued, Paula probed, "What are you getting at, leading up to, Shane?"
"I can't help wondering if Emma had other reasons, or, more precisely, one other reason."
"Such as what?"
"Maybe Emma knew about us, Paula."
"Oh, Shane, I don't think so!" Paula exclaimed, giving him a curious stare. "I'm sure she would have mentioned something to me. You know how close I was to Grandy. Anyway, she would have told Blackie,"I know she would, and he would have certainly brought it up with you. He wouldn't have been able to resist doing so."
Shane flicked ash into the ashtray. "I'm not quite as positive as you are. Emma was the smartest person I've ever known. I doubt that she would have said anything, under the circumstances. For one thing, she wouldn't have wanted to intrude on my privacy, or yours, and she wouldn't have told Grandpops because she would have been afraid he'd worry. Let's face it, she did leave me the engagement ring. Hoping that I might end up giving it to you one day?"
Paula said, "Perhaps she simply thought you were entitled to own the ring, that it was rightfully yours, considering from whom it came. It is very valuable. Besides, she left you the painting, which was another gift from your grandfather."
"True. But, Paula, a million pounds in trust for me... that's one hell of a hefty present by anybody's standards."
"Agreed." Paula smiled at him and her bright blue eyes, flickering with violet lights, filled with tenderness and warmth. "My grandmother cared for you very much, Shane. She thought of you as another grandson. And, look here, what about Merry? Grandy was awfully generous to her, too."
"Yes." Shane let out a small sigh. "I'd love to know the real truth. But I don't suppose I ever shall." Sudden laughter bubbled in his throat and his eyes danced mischievously. "I must confess / like to think that Emma did know about us, and that she approved."
"Well, that's one thing I can be sure of, Shane. I know she would have given us her blessing. Also—" Paula stopped abruptly when an announcement was made over the loudspeaker. She glanced at him and pulled a face. "That's it, darling, they're announcing the departure of my flight." She made a motion to stand up.
Shane restrained her. He took her in his arms and whispered against her hair, "I love you so much, Paula. Remem-er that in the next couple of weeks." "How could I ever forget? It's part of my great strength. And I love you, too, Shane, and I will for all of my life.."
Emily said, "No, Jim, she hasn't arrived yet. I'm expecting her shortly, though." Balancing the receiver between her ear and her raised shoulder, Emily zipped up her skirt as she continued to listen to Jim. He was phoning from Yorkshire and had caught her just as she was dressing.
After a few seconds, Emily exclaimed with impatience, "I know the plane has landed. I checked with Heathrow and it was on time. It touched down at seven-thirty exactly. Paula has to clear customs and then get into town, you know." Emily glanced at the clock on the bedside table. "It's only nine, for heaven's sake, Jim. Look, I have to go. I'll tell her to ring you back the minute she walks in."
"I'm about to'leave the office, Emily," Jim said. "I'm driving up to London. Tell Paula not to bother coming to Yorkshire as she planned. I'll see her at Belgrave Square tonight. And you and Winston as well. Let's have dinner together, make it a bon voyage party."
"Oh yes," Emily muttered, "I see what you mean. Because Winston's going to Canada tomorrow."
"Yes... and I'm going with him, Emily. I just finished talking with him at our London office, and he's delighted that I've decided to tag along."
"Oh," Emily said, taken aback. "Well, yes, it will be company for him, I suppose. I'll see you tonight, Jim. Bye."
"Good-bye, Emily."
She dropped the receiver in the cradle and stared at it for a moment. She grimaced, wondering if Winston was really as pleased as Jim thought. She doubted it. Neither of them had much time for Jim Fairley these days.
The phone rang again. Emily picked it up quickly, feeling -quite certain it was her husband. "Yes, Winston?" she said.
Winston laughed. "How did you know it was me?"
"Because I was speaking to Jim a moment ago. He was looking for Paula. He told me he's going to Toronto with you. Aren't you thrilled to bits?" she asked sarcastically.
"Like hell I am," Winston said. "There's really no reason for him to come with me, but I couldn't very well tell him to get lost. He does own ten percent of the new company, and he's curious about the latest acquisition, wants to look the new newspaper over. You know how odd he is these days, a real fusspot, and, frankly, he's getting to be a pain in the arse."
"What a bore for you, Winston." Emily sighed. "Look, I hope he doesn't start messing around with the Toronto Sentinel. Editorially, I mean. That could delay you. You'd better be back here for Christmas, Winston."-
"I will, don't worry, lovey. As for Jim, well, I shall make short shrift of him if he starts interfering."
"He suggested we all have dinner tonight. A bon voyage party, he called it. I'd prefer to be alone with you, but I suppose we'll have to join them," Emily said, her tone grudging.
"We've no choice. Anyway, I only rang to tell you about Jim coming to Canada with me. Must dash. I'm about to start a meeting."
After saying good-bye, Emily took her suit jacket out of the armoire and slipped it on. She hurried down the stairs in the Belgrave Square maisonette, where she and Winston had been staying for the weekend, heading in the direction of the study.
The lime-and-white room with its bright yellow and peach accents was filled with cold December light on this dreary Monday morning. Yet it had a cheerful feeling because of the bowls of fresh flowers, the blazing fire, the many lamps that glowed warmly. Emily noticed that Parker had brought in a tray of coffee and three cups and saucers. Her brother was due to arrive at ten o'clock, soon after Paula was expected.
Seating herself at the desk, Emily telephoned her secretary at Genret's London office and explained she would not be coming in that day. As she hung up she heard Parker greeting Paula in the foyer. She leapt to her feet and ran out to welcome her cousin.
"What a lovely surprise to see your smiling face," Paula said warmly, rushing to embrace Emily. "I didn't expect you to be in London, Dumpling. What are you doing here?"
"I'll fill you in shortly."
Paula turned to the butler. "Tilson's keeping the luggage in the" car, Parker, since he's driving me to Yorkshire later today."
Emily said, "Oh, er, Paula, Jim rang a bit ago. He's on his way to London. He wanted you to know that, and suggested you stay here tonight."
Paula bit back an exclamation of annoyance and murmured, "I see." She smiled weakly at the butler. "Would you please ask Tilson to bring my luggage in after all, Parker."
"Yes, madame." Parker went to the front door.
Paula threw her mink cape on a hall chair and stepped after Emily, following her into the study. She closed the door, leaned against it and said heatedly, "Damn it! Jim knew I was anxious to go straight to Yorkshire to see Lome and Tessa! Did he say why he's suddenly coming up to town?"
"Yes. Winston's going to Toronto tomorrow, to review the situation at the new newspaper. Jim has decided to tag along."
"Oh no!" Paula cried, her face tightening. She walked over to the fire and sat down heavily on the sofa. Her anger flared inside her. Jim was doing a disappearing act again, as he had in October when he had gone to Ireland to stay with Edwina.
Did he have a sixth sense? Did he somehow know when she was about to broach the subject of divorce?
Emily stood near the fireplace, scrutinizing her cousin closely. Finally she said, "You look awfully upset, Paula. Is something wrong?"
Paula hesitated, then confided, "I don't suppose you'll be surprised, Emily, if I tell you that Jim and I have a lot of personal problems to discuss. And resolve. I'd hoped to get down to brass tacks in the next few days. Now he's leaving. Again. Unless I can persuade him to cancel the trip with Winston, I'm going to have to wait until he gets back from Canada to talk to him."
Emily lowered herself onto the sofa and patted her hand. "I've known'for a long time that things were difficult between the two of you, Paula. And you should talk to Jim—about a divorce, if you want my opinion. Winston happens to agree."
Paula searched Emily's face and with alertness. "So it's that apparent, is it?"
"Oh no, not to everyone, but certainly to those closest to you."
"My parents?" Paula asked swiftly, sitting up straighter.
"Your father is aware there is great strain and he's concerned about the situation, but I'm not sure about Aunt Daisy. I mean, I don't think she realizes how bad it is, Paula. She's so nice, always making allowances for everyone."
Paula sighed wearily. "Do you think I can persuade him not to go to Canada?"
"No, I definitely don't. Because of those shares Grandy left him, Jim feels very much a part of the new company, and he wants to get his fingers into the pie. He's a bit of a meddler, these days."
"I know." Paula rubbed her face, feeling suddenly fatigued. She blinked. "I hate these overnight transatlantic flights."
Emily nodded. She took a deep breath, then said, "You wouldn t be able to go to Yorkshire today anyway, Paula. Alexander needs you here in London. As a matter of fact, he'll be arriving in a few minutes to have a meeting with us."
"What's happened?" Instantly, a look of comprehension flashed. "Not Jonathan?"
"Yes, I'm afraid so."
"Tell me all about it." Paula stared at Emily anxiously, thoughts of Jim and the divorce momentarily swept to one side.
"Alexander prefers to fill you in, Paula. He asked me to ask you to wait until he gets here. It's rather involved. And that's why I'm in London—because of Jonathan. Alexander wanted me to be here for the meeting with you. Actually, Alexander and I have thrashed the situation to bits for the past two weeks—" •
"You mean you've known all this time and you didn't let me know?"
"We wanted to be sure, and get a plan together. Also, we had to talk to Henry Rossiter and John Crawford. We needed their advice. We're going to have to take drastic steps, Paula."
"Is it that bad?"
"Pretty serious. However, Sandy and I have it well under control. Sarah is involved to a certain extent."
"As we thought." Paula sighed. Her dismay increased.
The door opened quietly and Alexander walked into the study. "Morning, Emily. Welcome back, Paula." He came over to the sofa, kissed them both and took a chair facing them. "I wouldn't mind a cup of coffee, Emily," he said to his sister. "I walked over from Eton Square and the weather's beastly this morning. I'm frozen."
"Yes, of course." Emily lifted the silver pot, poured. "What about you, Paula?"
"Yes, thanks, I might as well." Her eyes were penetrating as they rested on Alexander. "You ought to have let me know."
"To be honest, I thought about doing so, Paula. Emily and I discussed it at great length, and we finally decided there wasn't much point. You would have worried and you couldn't have contributed very much from New York. Besides, you had your hands full with Sitex. I didn't want to drag you back to London. Furthermore, I only just got to the root of it all at the end of last week. Well, more or less."
Paula nodded. 'Tell me everything, Sandy."
"Well, here goes. Philip's plan worked. Malcolm Perring helped me to flush Jonathan out, but I had another source of information. It was this source that enabled me to really nail him. But I'm jumping ahead of myself. I'd better begin at the beginning."
"Please," Paula said.
"Malcolm Perring did eventually come up with the perfect property deal for Harte Enterprises, He took it to Jonathan, who expressed considerable interest. Then nothing happened.
Malcolm kept ringing him over a two-week period, and Jonathan stalled. However, in the middle of November, Jonathan invited Malcolm to come over to the office for a meeting. Apparently Jonathan waffled on for a while about its being an excellent deal, but finally he turned it down. He said Harte Enterprises could not handle it at that particular time. He suggested Malcolm take the deal to a man called Stanley Jervis at a new company, Stonewall Properties. He explained that Jervis was an old friend, very reliable, and in the market for big real estate deals."
"Don't tell me," Paula muttered, "that Stonewall Properties belongs to Jonathan Ainsley."
"Correct. And get this—Sebastian Cross is his partner."
"That odious man. Ugh!" Paula shuddered.
"Sarah also has money in the company," Alexander told her. He shook his head. "Foolish girl.'
"She's been duped by Jonathan again, just as she was when she was a child," Paula remarked softly.
"Precisely," Emily interjected. "Only this time there are far-reaching consequences for her."
"Yes." Paula scowled in perplexity, now demanded, "But how did Malcolm Perring manage.to find all this out?"
Alexander answered, "He didn't. I did. Malcolm Perring went along with Jonathan's idea, since that was the whole purpose of our plan—rcatching him with his hand in the till so to speak. Malcolm had two meetings with this Jervis chap, and then suddenly Sebastian Cross was on the scene. He's pretty much up-front.in the company now, even though Jonathan is obviously hiding behind straw men, his men, since his name doesn't appear anywhere."
Alexander lit a cigarette, continued: "Malcolm started negotiations with Cross and Jervis, playing them along, indue- ' ing them to believe he was prepared to close the deal with Stonewall. He didn't take to either of them, and suspected that the company was shaky financially. He did a bit of investigating, talked to people around town, and his suspicions were soon confirmed.-As planned, Malcolm began to back off, much to the astonishment of Jervis and Cross. They were scared of losing the deal, and started to boast about the big business transactions they had recently handled. Malcolm brought this information to me. I went through the files in our real estate division late one night and discovered that we could have made all of those deals. Jonathan had passed them over to Stonewall. That cinched it for me, Paula. I knew positively that he was as guilty as hell. Malcolm finally cut off negotiations with Stonewall, explaining that another real estate company had come in with an enormous offer, one which his partners were insisting the firm accept."
"And they bought it?" Paula asked.
'They had no choice. I was ready to swoop down on Jonathan, and then quite unexpectedly some other information fell into my lap, and within forty-eight hours I had enough on Jonathan to hang him."
"Where did the new information come from?" Paula leaned forward eagerly, riddled with curiosity.
"John Cross."
"Alexander, you can't be serious!" Paula's astonishment was evident. "John Cross," she repeated, and her eyes widened as she drew back, looked at Alexander askance. "I don't believe it."
"It's the truth."
"But why would he confide in you?"
"Actually, Paula, John Cross was looking to confide in you. He only got in touch with me because you weren't around. He asked me to come to Leeds to see him... he was in St. James's Hospital."
"Oh," Paula said. "What was wrong with him? Was he very sick?"
"Poor old man," he murmured. "He died, Paula. John Cross died just a few days after I saw him. It was cancer, I'm afraid. He was riddled with it, and obviously in great pain."
"Oh, Sandy, how awful." Paula pursed her lips. "Poor man. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. And he wasn't so bad. Weak, a little misguided maybe, and under the thumb of that rotten son of his."
Alexander cleared his throat. "I immediately drove to Leeds and went to see John Cross at the hospital. I was with him for almost four hours. The doctor allowed me to stay that length of time, because—well, he was dying. John Cross talked about you for a while. He said he had a great deal of respect for you,-Paula, admired your honesty and fairness. He then explained that you'd been very courteous to him in the autumn of 1969 when you saw him in London. I told him I knew about your meeting. He commented about your patience and your kindness to him that day, and said he understood why you hadn't been interested in reopening negotiations for the acquisition of Aire Communications... because his company no longer had any real assets since the building had been sold. That's when he started to open up. To be honest, I was flabbergasted when he confided that Stonewall Properties had bought the Aire building for.five hundred thousand pounds. Apparently his son persuaded him to sell. He insisted that he'd been cheated by them, because the building was worth a million at least. I had to agree with him. John Cross became very upset, and he said this to me, Paula: 'Imagine my shock when I discovered six months ago that it was my son who robbed me, who ruined me, ruined any chance for Aire Communications to make a recovery. I was heartbroken that Sebastian could do such a terrible thing to me. My son... my only child." He began to weep, and I can't say I blamed him."
"What a ghastly thing to happen to him... So Grandy was always right about Jonathan... She was very suspicious of him at the time of the Aire Communications negotiations," Paula said.
"And with good reason." Alexander crossed his legs, sat back. "Mr. Cross wanted you to know, us to know, that Jonathan was Sebastian's partner and that he had been working against Emma Harte for years. He mumbled something about despising family treachery, said that he wanted to die with an easy conscience. "
Paula sighed, rubbed her weary face. "What else did he reveal about Stonewall Properties?"
"Not a lot, at least nothing I didn't already know through Malcolm. Mr. Cross confirmed that Jonathan had been moving deals away from Harte Enterprises and into Stonewall, and he confessed that his son had bled him dry, taken every penny he had. The old man was very bitter when he ex-
Elained that it was only because of his sister's generosity that e was able to have a private room at St. James's, and private doctors. You see, Paula, old Mr. Cross was destitute.'
Paula sank back against the cushions and, for a reason she would never fully understand, her eyes filled with tears. She coughed behind her hand and reached for one of Alexander's cigarettes. "How sad that he had to end his days in such a frightful way... betrayed by his own son."
Emily announced, "Sebastian Cross is a bastard. And Jonathan Ainsley is no better, is he, Sandy?"
"No." Alexander gave Paula a long look. "John Cross told me something else, and this is the worst part of all. However, because of it, I am going to get Jonathan, really get him, Paula. In an effort to bail out Stonewall Properties, which is in grave financial difficulties, Jonahan borrowed a lot of money—against his shares in Harte Enterprises."
Paula was momentarily dumbfounded and thrown off balance. She gaped at her cousins, then gasped, "But he's not allowed
to do that!"
"Exactly!" Emily cried. "Don't you see, because he did that we can nail him... Actually, he's nailed himself to the cross,
hasn't he?"
Paula nodded, asked sharply, "Are you sure there's no mistake?"
"None," Alexander replied. "John Cross knew about the loan, don't ask me how, but he did. He wouldn't reveal his source,
nor did he realize the true importance of his information to us. He merely wanted to alert us to our cousin's activities. In a funny way, I think he blamed Jonathan for his son's transgressions, although I'm not so sure he's correct there. However, he was able to give me the name of the finance company that made the loan to Jonathan. Obviously Jonathan couldn't borrow from a bank—they'd want to know too much."
"I can't believe he would be so foolhardy," Paula said. "He's fully aware he's not permitted to use his shares in Harte Enterprises as collateral, nor can he sell those shares unless it's to another shareholder—"
"That's right," Alexander interrupted. "He can only sell them to me, Emily, or Sarah. Those are the company laws, which are very precisely spelled out in the articles of incorporation by Grandy. She wanted to ensure that Harte Enterprises remained a private company, a family concern, with no strangers or outsiders involved, and she made damned cer: tain that that was the way it would be."
"Which finance company did he get involved with?"
"Financial Investment and Loan."
"Good God, Sandy, they're crooks," Paula exclaimed, horrified. "Everyone knows that they're a shady outfit. How could he be so stupid?"
"I told you, he couldn't go to a bank. A bank would want to know everything, as far as those shares are concerned, as would a reputable finance company."
"How much did he borrow and against how many shares?" Paula demanded.
"He put up seven percent of his shares, just under half of his sixteen percent, and he raised four million pounds against them. However, the loan company gave him a poor deal. Those shares are worth twice that much, except, of course, that they cannot be sold to anyone—except to one of us. Still, the finance company wasn't aware of that at the time they made the loan. They are now."
Paula.experienced a sudden sense of relief and her troubled expression lifted. "You paid off his note and retrieved the shares, didn't you, Sandy?"
"I did. Last Thursday Emily and I met with the managing director of that dubious little company, along with Henry Rossiter and John Crawford. It was all very troublesome, and there were a lot of strong words, heated arguments, and general unpleasantness. We returned again on Friday, all four of us, and I paid them back their four million pounds and they returned the shares. There was some interest due, but Henry and John were adamant, refused to let me pay that. They told the managing director to go after Jonathan. And there you have all the gory details."
"Where did you and Emily get the four million from? Did you use your own money?"
"No. John Crawford figured out a way for Harte Enterprises to buy the shares back, rather than an individual. As you know, Paula, Grandy drew up a number of legal papers in regard to Harte Enterprises just before she died. I have extraordinary powers, a free hand in many instances, especially if the overall good of the company is involved. John and Henry agreed that this situation with Jonathan was such an instance. However, I told them that Emily and I are perfectly willing to purchase those shares if they decide, at a future date, that this is the proper thing to do."
"I see." Paula stood up and walked to the fireplace. A thought struck her. "Are Sarah's shares involved?"
"No. Stupid she might be, but she, would never risk her shares," Alexander replied.
"What are you going to do about Jonathan and Sarah?" Paula asked, her eyes sharpening.
"I intend to fire them both. At noon today. I've called a meeting. I'd like you to be present, Paula."
Hold The Dream Hold The Dream - Barbara Taylor Bradford Hold The Dream