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Thomas H. Huxley

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Chapter 24
he conference room of the law firm of Crawford, Creighton, Phipps, Crawford and Jolliet had not changed over the years.
Paula had been coming here for most of her adult life, whenever it had been necessary to seek legal advice from John Crawford, senior partner of the firm and the family solicitor. And now on this Monday afternoon there was something reassuring about the familiar room with its dark wood panelled walls, long mahogany conference table surrounded by twenty-four chairs and the handsome bronze chandeliers which hung from the ceiling.
One of the secretaries had shown Paula into the conference room a moment ago, and she walked across to the window, looked down into the street, knowing Tessa was due to arrive at any moment. But there was no sign of her yet.
Moving away from the window, she strolled over to the large painting of John, stood gazing at it, thinking what a handsome and distinguished-looking man he was, a man whom she had relied on for so much diverse advice over the years. He was semi-retired these days, but readily available when his wisdom was required, or when some detail of the vast Harte family affairs was needed. He had a prodigious memory and a unique knowledge of the Hartes and their business empire stretching back to Emma’s days.
In many ways John was like a member of the family, and he still had a meeting once a month with her mother, since he was a trustee of the Emma Harte Foundation, which Daisy ran. This rich organization regularly doled out large amounts of money to a variety of deserving charities carefully chosen by Daisy and John.
‘Good afternoon, Paula,’ Christopher Jolliet, John’s nephew, exclaimed, hurrying into the room. ‘I’m sorry to keep you waiting, I was just finishing a phone call with Uncle John when you arrived. He sends his love, by the way.’
Paula smiled, nodded, and clasped Christopher’s hand as he kissed her cheek. ‘Hello, Christopher.’ Indicating the wall she added, ‘I was just admiring his portrait. And you didn’t keep me waiting, I was early.’
Glancing at her quickly, he took in the smart black suit and white silk blouse, the elegance of her overall appearance. But there was a severity about her, a grimness in her, and he knew better than anyone that she meant business. She was about to demolish a man today and he really couldn’t blame her. Mark Longden had asked for what he was about to get. ‘It’s nice to see you, but I must admit I’m sorry it’s on such a miserable occasion,’ Christopher went on as he led her over to the conference table. ‘You’re looking well, Paula, New York must have agreed with you.’
‘It did. We were all rather busy, but I do love that city, and it was such a nice change.’
‘When does Shane get back?’
‘He’s leaving Tuesday–tomorrow. He has a meeting in the morning at the World Trade Center, and then he’ll be taking the night flight to London, arriving on Wednesday morning. He had to stay on in New York because he had business to deal with, and then this meeting came up all of a sudden. It’s about building a new O’Neill hotel in Manhattan, and it was important enough for him to attend the meeting himself. Usually his sister deals with most of the American business, as you know, but Merry’s on vacation with her family somewhere in the Canadian Rockies at the moment.’
‘Shane’s really made such a wonderful success of the hotel chain, it’s understandable why Grandfather Bryan is so proud of him.’
Paula laughed. ‘His father adores him, as you know, and adores all of us for that matter. He’s a terrific old man.’
‘It would be nice if we could have dinner when Shane gets back,’ Christopher said, pulling out a chair for Paula, then sitting down next to her. He put the sheaf of manila folders he was holding down on the table, leaned back in the chair and asked her, ‘Is there anything else we need to discuss before the others arrive?’
Paula shook her head. ‘I don’t think so. You clarified various points over the weekend, when we spoke on the phone. I’m fine with it. In fact, I’ve gone over everything so many times in my head, I know it off by heart.’
‘I’m sure you do.’ Christopher rose when the door opened and one of the secretaries brought Tessa into the conference room.
‘Hello, Christopher,’ she said, and went to take his hand, shook it.
‘Good afternoon, Tessa,’ he answered, smiling at her, kissing her cheek.
‘Hello, Mummy,’ Tessa murmured and went to embrace her before sitting down. ‘I hope I’m not late.’
‘No, you’re on time. As you can see, we’re waiting for the other side,’ Paula replied, staring hard at her daughter.
‘I look awful, don’t I?’ Tessa asserted and then began to giggle. ‘You told me to make myself look plain and drab, and I did.’
Christopher burst out laughing. ‘I’m afraid your beauty does come shining through, Tessa my dear, despite your obvious efforts to the contrary. And I have a feeling it always will, whatever lengths you go to in order to obscure it.’
‘I’ve always hated you in brown. Where on earth did you find that dreadful, frumpy brown linen dress?’ Paula demanded, her dark brows coming together in a frown.
‘I have a whole department store at my disposal,’ Tessa exclaimed. ‘And that’s when I spotted it. I know brown is not my colour, but it does have the desired effect, doesn’t it? I think it sort of deadens me, drains the colour out of my face and kills my hair.’
‘Well, yes, I suppose it does, but after today throw it away, and get rid of the ponytail as well. That’s not your style, my darling.’
‘I will, but Mummy, you did tell me I shouldn’t look happy and well, more like a…sad sack, the victim…of the abusive husband.’ Tessa paused, looked from her mother to Christopher and back at her mother, and shrugged. ‘I was just following your instructions, Mums.’
‘I know that, and it’s all right, Tess, you did well.’ Deeming an explanation to be necessary, Paula told Christopher, ‘Tessa’s been away with her brother, he took her for a rest, and she came back looking wonderful, so well rested and pretty I thought it might be better for her to play that down. I know Mark Longden and he’s going to walk in here and say to his lawyers, “Look how well my wife is, I never abused her.” He’ll deny everything, Christopher, if he gets a chance.’
‘I know that, Paula. But I saw Tessa’s bruises, and the photographs. You were right to tell her to look like…a sad sack, wasn’t that the expression? Fortunately, she’s not become quite that. I suppose it would be impossible for her to completely extinguish her flame.’
Startled, Paula stared at him, thinking he was sounding quite poetic all of a sudden. But then men did rather go for Tessa; they always had, perhaps because there was such an ethereal quality to her, and it wasn’t entirely dimmed today, he was correct about that.
At this moment the door opened and Geoffrey Creighton, one of Christopher’s junior partners, came bustling in, also carrying a pile of manila folders. After greeting everyone, he took a seat on the other side of Tessa, and told them: ‘Longden’s solicitors are just arriving downstairs. But no sign of Longden yet.’
‘It’s typical, he’s always been late for as long as I’ve known him,’ Tessa muttered.
‘I’d like to go over a couple of points with you, Tessa,’ Christopher said, opening one of the folders. ‘Let’s endeavour to get it out of the way before we’re surrounded.’
Mark Longden was the last to arrive.
From the moment he walked into the conference room Tessa was tense, on her guard, not knowing what to expect. His appearance was more or less the same, rather collegiate and youthful at first glance. But she noticed new lines around his mouth, and there was a strange bleakness in his eyes. As he moved across the conference room she saw that he was nervous, agitated underneath the surface. He was trying to control this, but she knew him so well she spotted all of the telltale signs, the odd quirks of his personality at once.
She could not help comparing him to Jean-Claude Deléon, even though she knew comparisons were odious. Jean-Claude was calm, purposeful, sure of himself in a quiet way, self-confident without being overbearing. Mark, who was spoilt, undisciplined and self-indulgent, showed how weak he was in everything he did. And he was avaricious beyond all reason.
When Mark smiled at her Tessa was startled. Her face was glacial. It remained stony and unforgiving.
Mark turned away at once, the smile still lingering, and then a smug look flashed across his face. He sat down with his solicitors and began to speak to them, appeared to be quite voluble.
After a few minutes, when greetings had been exchanged by all, Christopher Jolliet cleared his throat and looked across the table at Mark and his two representatives, Jonas Ladlow and Herbert Jennings.
He began: ‘Gentlemen, as you know we are meeting today to work out the financial settlement between the two parties present, Tessa and Mark Longden, who are about to seek the dissolution of their marriage in the divorce courts. However, this–’
‘I’ve made notes about what I want,’ Mark interjected. ‘Notes based on everything Tessa said to me several weeks ago, and what I want–’
‘Please let me finish, Mr Longden,’ Christopher said curtly, throwing Mark’s solicitors a baleful look.
Mark displayed his annoyance, gesticulating, but Jonas Ladlow put a restraining hand on his arm, leaned closer, whispered a few words.
Christopher went on, ‘I was about to explain that Mrs O’Neill is now going to take over. She wants her daughter and Mr Longden to understand the kind of settlement she is prepared to make to Mr Longden. However, there are several provisos–’
‘No provisos!’ Mark cried in a nasty voice.
‘Mark, please,’ Herbert Jennings said, taking over from his law partner. ‘You must allow Mr Jolliet to say what he has to say without these interruptions.’
Mark threw him a dirty look, but sat back in his chair sulking, said nothing further.
Jonas Ladlow now spoke, addressing Christopher and Paula, who sat next to each other across the table. ‘We are ready to hear the provisos, Mr Jolliet, and then perhaps we can discuss them.’
‘Proviso one. After Mrs O’Neill has presented her proposed settlement, and providing Mr Longden accepts it, the contract between them must be signed today.’
‘That is rather fast,’ Jonas Ladlow exclaimed, frowning. ‘I’m quite sure my colleague and I will have to study the contract at length.’
‘I don’t think you will, but do let me continue,’ Christopher responded politely. ‘If Mr Longden accepts the settlement and signs it, there is another condition. The second proviso is that certain aspects of the contract must go into operation as soon as possible.’
‘What aspects?’ Jonas Ladlow asked.
‘Mrs O’Neill will–explain them to you,’ Christopher murmured, looking unexpectedly enigmatic.
‘Perhaps I should now take over, Christopher,’ Paula suggested, glancing at her solicitor.
He nodded. ‘Of course. Do proceed, Paula.’
‘I am prepared to make a financial settlement on you today, Mark, as long as the contract is signed today, as Mr Jolliet just mentioned. It must be signed in this office, witnessed by your solicitors and mine. Do you understand, Mark? Gentlemen?’
The three of them nodded, but Jonas asked, ‘Are you saying that your offer will be withdrawn if the contract is not signed this afternoon?’
‘I’m saying exactly that, Mr Ladlow.’
‘What are you offering me?’ Mark asked, much to the irritation of his solicitors, who gave him furious glances.
‘Ten million pounds sterling,’ Paula said evenly, ‘a very generous sum in my opinion, under the circumstances.’
Mark smiled. ‘Where’s the pen? I accept. I’ll sign at once.’
His two solicitors exchanged swift glances and Jonas said rapidly, ‘We need to know all of the provisos and see the contract, study it.’
‘Of course you need to see it, so that you can familiarize yourselves with all of the provisos, Mr Ladlow,’ Paula said with a small smile. ‘I doubt you need to study it, however, since it is couched in extremely simple terms and is very short. Let me just add this. If Mark does not accept my offer and does not sign the contract, he will obviously have to take his chances in a court of law. And, under the circumstances, I doubt very much that the judge will award him anything–no settlement, no alimony.’
Tessa leaned into her mother and exclaimed, ‘Don’t do this, Mummy. It’s far too much money. Withdraw the offer, let’s go to court, leave him to the mercy of the judge, as you just said.’
Hearing Tessa’s words brought a look of concern to the lawyer’s face. Jonas Ladlow said, ‘What are the other provisos, Mrs O’Neill?’ He was fully aware of Paula O’Neill’s reputation as a businesswoman and he knew she was a tough negotiator. He was certain the ten million came with strings and he needed to know what those strings were.
‘I would prefer to discuss the ten million pound settlement and the terms of the payout first,’ Paula replied. ‘This is what I am offering you, Mark. One million pounds thirty days after the signature of the contract. One million pounds when the divorce is granted by the judge, and one million pounds per year for the coming five years, starting in 2002. That will make seven million pounds paid out over six years bringing us to 2007. The final payment of three million pounds will be paid to you three years after that, in 2010.’
No one spoke for a few moments.
The lawyers appeared perplexed.
Mark was looking pleased.
Tessa was angry and it showed on her face.
Jonas Ladlow and Herbert Jennings excused themselves from the table, walked to one end of the conference room. They stood near the window, discussing the terms of the contract, and Jonas whispered, ‘There’s a catch, Herb. Somewhere there’s a catch.’
‘I agree, Jonas. She’s far too smart to hand out ten million pounds just like that. It is over a nine-year period starting now, I realize that, nonetheless, it’s still a lot of money.’
‘Under the circumstances, yes, because he’s no angel.’
‘Say that again. But look, let’s hear the provisos, see what else she has to say.’
The two solicitors came back to the table, and Jonas asked, ‘What are the other provisos exactly, Mrs O’Neill?’
‘If Mark signs the contract today he will also be agreeing to move to Australia.’
‘That’s fine by me,’ Mark announced. ‘I’m happy to sign. Oh, and what about my Hampstead house? Do I get that? Tessa promised it to me, you know.’
‘It’s not your house, Mark. Nor is it Tessa’s, actually. I gave it to you both when you married, but I never actually gifted it to Tessa. I retained the deeds. So actually it’s mine, and I don’t propose to give it to you. Or to Tessa for that matter. We are talking here about a ten million pound cash settlement, Mark, very serious business indeed. The Hampstead house doesn’t come into play.’
Mark opened his mouth to say something, but Jonas Ladlow cut across him, saying swiftly, ‘So if Mark signs the contract today, the payout will begin in thirty days from today, with two million paid altogether. And after the divorce he must leave for Australia, to live there? Am I understanding you correctly, Mrs O’Neill?’
‘You are indeed, Mr Ladlow. Mark will be able to leave for Sydney once the judge grants the divorce and when he is no longer required in court. That is when he receives the second payment of one million. He will remain in Sydney for the next five years without returning to England, or going anywhere else, actually.’
‘What?’ Mark cried vehemently. ‘I can’t live there for five years! You’re exiling me!’
‘Call it what you will,’ Paula answered coldly. ‘But you will agree to stay there for five years, to build your architectural firm into a viable entity. After five years you can return to England for a visit of one month.’
‘One month!’ he shrieked. ‘No way will I agree to these terms, Paula.’
‘Very well, I understand. But don’t forget, there’s ten million pounds at stake here. We are talking very serious business. Don’t make any foolish or hasty decisions, Mark. Think about it.’
‘What happens when the five-year period is up?’ Jonas asked quietly, staring at Paula. He couldn’t help admiring her, although he kept his face neutral. She was a shrewd adversary, he had to admit that, and she obviously understood Mark Longden very well.
Paula was silent for a moment, then responded softly, ‘After the five-year period ends, Mark can return to England once every two years, and after the final payment of three million pounds, in 2010, he is free to come and go as he wishes.’
‘Yes, and by that time Adele will be twelve years old!’ Mark shouted. ‘I will have missed all of her childhood, her years of growing up.’
‘That is true, yes, but you should have thought of Adele right from the start, Mark, and then perhaps you would still have a marriage with Tessa. You are the author of your own life. You’ve written this script and played the part.’ Paula shrugged lightly, and added, ‘Very sadly.’
After a whispered conversation, the two solicitors and Mark Longden all rose and walked over to the window, where they stood discussing the settlement for ten minutes. When they finally returned and took their places at the conference table, Jonas Ladlow took charge.
Clearing his throat, he looked directly at Paula and said, ‘Mark has decided that he prefers to pass on the settlement. He’ll take his chances in the courts. Hopefully it will be a fair judge, one who will understand a father’s right to have access to his child, if not, indeed, shared custody.’
‘Very well, Mr Ladlow, I do understand. It is Mark’s choice.’ Turning to Christopher Jolliet, Paula said, ‘May I please have the folder which was sent to you two weeks ago? Oh, and the other one from the previous month please. From July.’
Christopher handed them to her silently.
Paula opened the top one, glanced inside, then looked up, stared across at Ladlow and Jennings. ‘Spousal abuse. Drug-addiction. Alcoholism. Kidnapping. All the details are here.’
‘I didn’t kidnap Adele!’ Mark shouted, growing red in the face.
‘Be quiet!’ Paula stared at him furiously. ‘You beat my daughter, pushed her down a flight of stairs, caused her to hurt herself. What you did could have killed her or done permanent damage. You raped her. You abducted Adele. Without telling her you took Adele for a whole day. You’ve used her money recklessly. The list is endless, Mark.’ She took a deep breath. ‘So go ahead. Do as you wish. Take your chances in a court of law and see what happens. In fact, be my guest. However, let me tell you this–with the dossier I have on you here–’ She paused, patted the folder. ‘You’ll be lucky if you don’t get a jail sentence.’
Jonas Ladlow and Herbert Jennings sat gaping at Paula. They were stunned and appalled by her words; Mark, who was seated between them, leaned back in his chair. He was suddenly grey-faced, appeared frightened.
‘May I please see those documents in the folders?’ Jonas Ladlow asked quietly, although he was almost fearful to open them, look inside. It struck him it would be like opening Pandora’s Box, letting hundreds of secrets fly out. Secrets he didn’t particularly want to know about.
Paula nodded. ‘There is one other thing I must say to you, before I pass these over to you, Mr Ladlow.’
‘Yes, Mrs O’Neill?’ He gazed at her questioningly, the frown appearing between his eyebrows.
‘Although I cannot actually prove it at this time, I do want you to be aware that I suspect your client of plotting with my cousin Jonathan Ainsley to do bodily harm to various members of my immediate family. As yet I haven’t taken my concerns and the information I have to Scotland Yard. But there is a strong possibility that I shall be doing that soon. You see, I know for a fact that Mark Longden and Jonathan Ainsley were in Paris together last weekend, and spent most of the weekend together. I also know that Jonathan Ainsley wishes to harm Tessa and her brother Lorne, and my daughter Linnet as well.’
Jonas Ladlow was unable to utter a sound. He just sat there immobilized, staring at her, as did Herbert Jennings. Both were wondering why they had ever taken on Mark Longden as a client.
As for Mark, he was speechless for once. But under his breath he was cursing Jonathan Ainsley.
Paula smiled faintly at Jonas, and finished, ‘I don’t think your client would want to be named in a conspiracy charge, a charge of conspiracy to commit murder, would he?’
After a moment’s consultation with Jonas, Herbert Jennings began to speak, looking over at Christopher, Geoffrey and Paula. ‘Could we see the contract for the settlement, please? And may we use a private room here for a short time, in order to confer with our client?’
‘It will be my pleasure, gentlemen,’ Christopher answered.
o O o
When the three men had gone out of the conference room with Geoffrey Creighton, Tessa took hold of Paula’s arm and asked in an urgent whisper, ‘Is it true, Mummy? Was Mark in Paris last weekend? And does Jonathan want to harm us?’
‘The answer is yes to both questions. But you were not in any danger, darling. Jack Figg knew of Jonathan’s presence in Paris, and Mark’s also. He was having them tailed, and he knew everything they did, all of their movements. He’d told Linnet, and she alerted Lorne. You and Lorne were protected, believe me.’
‘Did Linnet phone Lorne on Friday morning, do you think?’
‘She did, yes, following Jack’s instructions. Once she’d told him you were there he thought it better Lorne was alerted. Your brother didn’t tell you because he didn’t want to alarm you.’
‘I see. Perhaps that’s why his friend invited us for the weekend?’
Paula shook her head. ‘I don’t think so. It’s a coincidence, but one that turned out to be convenient,’ Paula explained.
‘Is Adele at risk, Mummy?’ Tessa asked, concern ringing her face.
‘I don’t think she is, darling, but just to be sure Jack is hiring a bodyguard. However, the man will function as your driver, so as not to create undue alarm anywhere.’
‘I understand.’ Tessa sat back, staring off into space, and after a few moments she turned to her mother and said in a voice that was hardly audible, ‘I don’t think you should have offered Mark all that money. He doesn’t deserve to get anything, not after what he did to me.’
‘I agree with you,’ Paula replied. ‘But I like to be in control of certain situations, and if Mark signs the contract, accepts all the provisos, it’s money well spent. Because he will be in my control. Absolutely in my control.’
Tessa nodded, biting her lip. ‘I understand that, but even so it’s an awful lot of money to give him.’
‘Here’s a point you ought to consider, Tess,’ Paula told her. ‘I own the Hampstead house, and I paid about a million and a half for it some years ago now. I was planning to have it done up for Lorne, but he never wanted it. So it was rented out, as you know. That’s all of ten years ago now, and the house is worth much, much more. I spoke to Emily about it and she’s going to have it sold through the real-estate division of Harte Enterprises. She thinks it will fetch about three and a half million, maybe even four million pounds. I’ll be making a good profit. And if I invest the money from the sale of the house, it will go towards the ten million pounds I’m planning to give Mark.’
‘I see what you mean, and thanks, Mother, for looking after me and Adele, for dealing with Mark. Do you think he’ll accept your offer?’
‘I have no doubt about it.’ Paula began to laugh, and turning she looked at Christopher. ‘What do you think?’
‘I think you not only demolished him but put the fear of God into him, about the Ainsley business, I mean. I’m sure he feels decidedly lucky to be getting ten million pounds and a trip to Australia. Far away from any Scotland Yard detectives. Wouldn’t you, under the circumstances?’
‘I certainly would,’ Paula murmured.
And Tessa said, ‘So would I.’
At this moment Geoffrey Creighton returned, followed by one of the firm’s secretaries carrying a tray loaded to overflowing with a teapot, cream jug, sugar basin and cups and saucers, all of the necessary items for afternoon tea.
‘Only biscuits, no nursery sandwiches,’ Geoffrey explained. ‘But they are Cadbury’s chocolate fingers.’
Tessa laughed for the first time that day. ‘My daughter’s favourites,’ she explained to Geoffrey who was staring at her in surprise.
Paula poured the tea, and they all had a cup; it was about twenty minutes after this that Mark and his two solicitors returned to the conference room.
After sitting down, Herbert Jennings handed the two manila folders to Paula. ‘These make interesting reading, very interesting indeed. I’m assuming you would call Mr Jack Figg and his operatives as witnesses, if this divorce case took the normal route? You would, wouldn’t you?’ He glanced away from Paula, looked at Christopher.
‘Of course,’ Paula replied.
‘We would have no alternative,’ Christopher said.
‘Mark has taken our advice, Mrs O’Neill, Mr Jolliet, and he is ready and willing to sign the contract now,’ Jennings told them.
‘The contract is perfectly clear,’ Jonas Ladlow said to the room at large. ‘It was as you said, Mr Jolliet. Precise and to the point, not to mention short.’
‘It’s the way I like to work.’ Paula smiled at him. ‘Short and sweet. And this is a sweet deal. The sweetest.’
The two solicitors nodded.
Mark signed all the copies of the contract first, then Tessa, and finally Paula. The copies were then witnessed by the legal representatives of both parties to the divorce.
As she put her pen back in her handbag Paula thought: Got you, you bastard. Now you’re under my control. You’re no longer Jonathan Ainsley’s creature. You’re mine.
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