A home without books is a body without soul.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Thể loại: Tiểu Thuyết
Nguyên tác: The Invasion
Biên tập: Tuấn Chu Ngọc
Language: English
Số chương: 27
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Chapter 16
did it Monday morning in my locker at school. I turned into a lizard.
A green anole, to be exact. It's a member of the iguana family. Like you care.
I waited till the bell rang for first period, which was English class. When everyone else was out
of the hallway, I just climbed into my locker. I tried to act cool about it, just in case anyone was
The locker was about two inches shorter than me, so I had to crouch. And it was so tight I
couldn't move. The only light was from the three small ventilation slits. I could hear my heart
pounding in the cramped, dark space. I was afraid.
It was one thing to turn into a dog. I mean, it's weird, it's strange, but it's also kind of cool. Dogs
are cool animals. But lizards?
"I should have practiced," I muttered under my breath. "I really should have practiced like
Cassie said."
I started to focus for the morphing. I remembered the way we had caught the lizard the night
before last. We'd spotted it with a flashlight, and Cassie had put a bucket over it so it couldn't get
It had been fairly creepy, just touching it to acquire its DNA pattern. Now I was going to become
The first thing I noticed was that I suddenly had more room inside the locker. I didn't have to
crouch down. And my shoulders weren't scrunched up anymore.
I touched my face with one hand. My skin was looser than it should have been. And pebbly to the
I ran my hand over my head. My hair was almost all gone.
Things began to happen very fast. The locker grew and grew around me. It was big as a barn.
Big as a stadium!
It was like falling. Like falling off a skyscraper and taking forever to hit the ground.
I was standing on something sticky, as large as a boulder. How had a boulder gotten into my
locker? But then I realized - it was a wad of gum! An old, chewed wad of gum stuck to the bottom of
my locker.
Gigantic drapes as big as the sails of a ship were falling all around me. They were my clothes.
In the dim light I could see two monstrous, misshapen things on either side of me. I could just make
out the Nike swoosh, and realized they were my shoes. They were the size of houses.
And then the lizard brain kicked in.
Fear! Trapped! Run! Run! Rruunrunrun!
I shot left. A wall! I scampered up, feeling my feet stick to it. Trapped! I jumped back. Another
hard surface. Trapped! Runrunrunrun!
I fought to get control, but the lizard brain was panicked. It didn't know where it was. It wanted
out. OUT!
Go toward the light! I ordered my new body. The ventilation slits. That was the way out.
But the body was afraid of the light. It was terrified.
I was still bouncing off the walls. I could not overcome the panic instincts of the lizard body.
Go to the light! I screamed inside my head. And suddenly I was there. I poked my head out, and
my body slithered after me. My tongue flicked out and I got a weird kind of input from it. Like smell,only not quite. It kept flicking. I could see it shoot out of my mouth and lick the air.
In the bright light I realized how bad the lizard eyes were. I couldn't make sense of what I was
seeing. Everything was shattered and twisted around. Down was up and up was down. Colors weren't
even close to right.
I tried to think. Come on, Jake. You have eyes on the side of your head now. They don't focus
together. They see different things. Deal with it.
I tried to make sense of the pictures, using this knowledge, but they were still a mess. It seemed
to take me forever to figure it out. One eye was looking down the hall to the left. The other was
looking down the halt to the right. I was upside down, gripping the side of the locker, which was like
a long, gray field that wouldn't end.
And all the time the green anole brain was fighting me. Now that it was out of the dark locker, it
desperately wanted to go back in.
Chapman's office, I reminded myself. But where was it?
Left. That way.
Suddenly I was off and running. Straight down the wall. Zoom! Then on level floor. Zoom!
Around a scrap of paper twice as big as I was. The ground flew past. It was like being strapped onto
a crazy, out-of-control missile.
Then my lizard brain sensed the spider. It was a strange thing, like I wasn't sure if I saw the
spider, or heard it, or smelled it, or tasted it on my flicking lizard tongue, or just suddenly knew it was
I took off after it, racing at a million miles an hour before I could even think about stopping. My
legs were a blur, they moved so fast.
It probably wasn't a huge spider. Not if you were a great big human being. But to my lizard eyes
it looked as big as a small child. It was huge. I could see the compound eyes. I could see the
individual joints in its eight legs. I could see the clicking, awful mandibles.
The spider ran. I ran after it. I was faster.
Noooooooooooo! I screamed inside my head. But too late. My head jerked forward, fast as a
striking snake. My jaws snapped. And suddenly the spider was in my mouth.
I could feel it fighting. I could feel the spider's legs squirming and fighting to get out of my
I tried to spit it out, but I couldn't. The lizard's hunger for that spider was too great.
I swallowed the spider. It was like swallowing a whole canned ham. A canned ham that was
fighting all the way down.
No, no, no! my brain cried in horror and disgust. But at the same time, the lizard brain was
pleased. I could feel it become slightly calmer.
That does it! I told myself. I am out of this morph!
I wanted out of that horrible little body. I didn't care who saw me, I was going to morph back to
human shape. Marco was right. It was insane to get involved in this. Insane!
I heard the ground shake. It was a noise like a giant stomping across the land.
It was a giant.
There was a huge shadow in the sky. It was like someone was trying to crush me by dropping an
entire building on my head.
The shoe came down!
I scampered left.
Another shoe.My tail! The shoe was on my tail! I was trapped!
The Invasion The Invasion - Katherine Alice Applegate